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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 18th-25th July 1649 E.565[28]

and appointed by authority of [unr] at then every such offence and ofences
shall be taken, deemed and [unr] authority of this Parliament to be
High Treason. That if any person shall counterfeit the money of this Common-wealth,
or shall bring any false money into this Land counterfeit or other, like to
the Money of this Common-wealth, knowing the mony to be false, to Merchandize,
or make payment in deceit of the People of his Nation, or if any person shall
hereafter falsly forge and counterfeit any such kind of coyn of Gold or Silver,
as is not the proper Coyn of this Common-wealth, or shall bring from the parts
beyond the Seas into this Common-wealth, or into any the Dominions of the
same any such false and Counterfeit Coyn of money, knowing the same money
to be false and counterfeit, to the intent, to utter or make payment with the same
within this Common-wealth by Merchandize or otherwise; or if any person shall
impair, diminish Falsisie, Clip, wash, Round or File, Scale or Lighten, for wicked
Lucre or Gaines sake, any the proper Moneys or coynes of this Common-wealth
or of the Moneys or coyns of any other Realm, allowed and suffered to
be currant within this Common-wealth, or the Dominions thereof, that then all
and every such offences above mentioned: shall be and are hereby deemed and
adjudged High Treason, and the Offenders therein, their counsellours, procurers,
ayders and Abettors, being convicted according to the Lawes of this Nation of any
of the said offences, shall be deemed and adjudged Traytors against this Common-wealth,
and shall suffer and have such paines of death and forfeitures as in
case of high Treason is used and Ordained. Provided alwayes, and be it enacted
by the Authority aforesaid, That this Act touching the monies and coyns aforesaid,
or any things therein contained, nor any Attainder of any person for the same,
shall in any wise extend or be judged to make any corruption of bloud, to any the
Heir or Heirs of any such Offender, or to make the wife of any such Offender,
to lose or forfeit her Dower, of or in any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments or her
Title, Action, or Interest in the same.
Hen Scobel, Cler. Parliament.
The Act for securing of Souldiers arrears out of the late Kings Lands was examined
and committed, to the presse. Its is too large to be conteined in this sheet, and
the heads I gave you a week past and for as much as no benefit can redown to
any persons by vertue of this Act before his or their Accounts be stated, the Commons
spent much time this day on that businesse. And it being informed that the
Committee sitting at Worcester house, refused to allow such Accounts as were Stated
for the Souldiery by Sub-Committees in the Country. It was therefore Ordered,
that upon Certificates made by the said Sub-Committees touching the accounts
by them so stated, the said Committee at Worcester-house should allow and
approve thereof.
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