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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 25th July-1st August 1649 E.566[17]

Perfect Weekly Account.
The daily proceedings in Parliament, and the Councell of State
the Results of the Generall Councell of the Army, with other choise Intelligence
form severall parts of Great Brittain.
Containing these causing Heads viz.
The Answer, and Queries of the K. of Scots to their propositions concerning the
Church, the Covenant, and Civill Government presented to his Maj. by the
Commis of the Parl. of Scotland; exactly taken ans of the originall papers, &
an Act of grace made in Scotland there upon. A great Fleet of the Princes
upon the Northern Seas apart of the Lord Governour Cromwels Army landed
in Ireland; A great fight and the particulars. 8 cart loads of money sent
after them from London. New troubles in the West, and a Declaration of
the Presbyterians of England and Scotland.
From Wednesday July 25. to Wednesday the 1 of August, 1649.
Beginning Wednesday July 25.
AN Act brought in, read and committed, for
encouragement of Gentlemen in their
proceedings upon Plantations in the
Indies; which it a very gallant thing, &
a policy neer as old, as States, to prepare
places fit to receive the over-plus
or super-increase of a flourishing Country,
and these were called Collonies of
Rome, Ethiopia, &Egypt, &c. a far better
course than that which History mentions
to be exercised in arteria, where
when by increase, the Countrey was
grown so populous, that one knew not
how to live by another, the Governour
would cause thousands to be put under the Ice, and drown'd like so many Rats &
Mice. The seizure of part of the young Lord Capels estate, was referred to the
Committee to whom the 40000, l. for Ireland was referred, who were ordered to
take report thereof.
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