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Mercurius aulicus for King Charls, [1], 14th-21st August 1649 E.571[4]

[unr]narl'd at the churlish usage of his Masters, that the Counsell of State turne
Tel[unr]rs, and spit in his mouth, and clap him on the back with a Letter of
thankes for murthering Loyalty, the better to make him venter couragiously
to bait Religion and Royalty in o the bogs.
Resolved, &c. That 200l. be given to Cap. Otway for running himselfe
off his legs, to present the Members with an Olive branch, and the things of
State with an use of consolation.
But such a use of consolation as the Levellers are a preparing for Master
speaker were more proper, that is a charge of High-treason, which though
for the present the Members misse, yet Cromwell meanes the Speaker shall
be sure to have. and therefore he pretends himself halfe a Leveller, greatly
insinuating himself into that party, and by his Agents incourages them to
impeach the Speaker, with some other of the chief Members, which
he doth not because he intends to side with that party, but out of policy
to divide the Juncto, and so to adjourne or dissolve them, left in his absence
they should vote some thing that would not agree with his tender
conscience, but when they are dissolved he knows all is sure, for then all
will be left to his brat the Counsell of state, who in a full careere will
carry on their own and his destructive designes: and if the impeaching
of a few will not doe the seate, his Agents will impeach them one after
another unto the end of the chapter.
Now the chief Ingineers that must manage this Machination, are
Pendred, Barnard, Lyte, Eyrbury, and Jenks his wife, w ith some
others which I forbeare to name, this Barnard is he which is so famous
for insinuating himself into the Kings party and after betraying of them
unto the mercy of the Juncto, and Lyte is a quondam servant to Doctour
Chamberlain the Male-midwife, and us'd to hold his instruments and
tooles, whilst he did his office upon the Members wives, and the shee-saints
of this Reformation, but to leave by matters, these are the men that
must prepare the charge, and to that end they make themselves a select
Committee, and have their severall dayes, times, and places of meeting,
but their generall Rendezvouz is at Mr. Tanners house on Peters hill,
where twice a weeke they meet as it were in a grand Committee, and are
preparing Articles and a Declaration which will shortly be published,
in which that they may the more incense our Reformer against him, they
indeavour to prove him honest (which I beleeve is impossible) and therefore
they charge him, for combining with Sir John Lenthall, in maintaining
severall of the late Kings spies and Agents, and for holding an intercourse
of letters with his Majestie, also for conveying prisoners of Warre,
horses for war, Men, Money and Armes out of the Line of Communication
unto the late King, likewise that he did grant his Warrant for the releasement
of Edmund Coles, Phillip Morgan, and John Wright, three
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