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Mercurius Hybernicus, Number 1, 30th August-6th September 1649 E.572[25]

Numb. 1.
Mercurius Hybernicus,
Communicating Intelligence chiefly from the Kingdome of
Ireland, and the Armies there under the most Illustrious Marquesse
of Ormond, and Oliver Cromwell:
Also, Impartially specifying the most remarkable Passages hapning at
Westminster, at London, and amongst the
Forces of Fairfax:
Discovering the Senates fraud, the Cities folly, and the voracious
Imperiousnesse of the Souldery:
With the most speciall Intelligence from the remote parts
of England, from the Scots, and his
Majesties Navie:
From Thursday August 30 to Thursday September 6. 1649.
The banefull Brewer, now doth tread
On Bogges, (& happy day,)
At Foot-ball with his traytrous head,
Ormond doth mean to play.
Brave Loraign, with five thousand horse,
The Switzers, fierce and grim,
Are fighting now, with all their force,
Through Seas of blood they swim.
The Duke of York, upon the maine,
Doth with a Navie hover,
Now England, winne thine owne againe,
And thy lost Rights recover.
With fierie Scorpions string your whips,
Put edges on your Steele,
Usurpers glory to eclpse,
O now they reele, they reele.
I Know (Gentlemen) that hitherto you have been so full fed with cram'd
dishes of meat, that many of you are sick of a surfeit; so that it were better
if your itching humour were ingenuously exhausted with the instrument cal'd
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