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Mercurius Hybernicus, Number 1, 30th August-6th September 1649 E.572[25]

what Tragedy unacted, what Treason not perpetrated:
They are engag'd in mischiefe, and must on
Like Rivers, to find out the Ocean;
Bloud must encounter blood, guilt adde to guilt,
After one drop, whole streames of blood be spilt.
But that they may know how invallid their Votes are,
how contemptible, treasonable and hatefull; I in the name
of all magnanimously spirited Royallists, make this following
I Mercurius Hybernicus, one of the Tell troths of the
Age, residing in London, in the street called Cavalier
Street, next door to the sign of Oliver hanging in Chaines;
doe declare, pronounce, protest, and divulge, that whatever
person shall adhere to, or assist the conspirators at Westminster
against Charles Steward, the Sonne of the late
King, their now law full soveraign, are Traytors and Rebels
(by the Lawes of God, of man, and of reason) to the King
their Soveraign Lord his Crown and Dignity, and shall
have their goods confiscate, and their persons proceeded against
as the most notorious Traytors and Rebels that ever
were: I Mercurius Hybernicus, doe also further declare,
pronounce, and protest, that I will with my utmost endeavor
contrive complot, invent and agitate the ruine of those
bloody conspirators; and that I will not only serve His Majesty
against them but use my utmost Oratory to invite others
to doe the like. In witnesse hereof, I have hereunto put
my hand,
Mercurius Hybernicus,
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