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Mercurius philomonarchicus, N/A, 14th-21st May 1649 E.555[34]

Numb. 34
Communicating Intelligence from all Parts,
to informe all the Loyall Subjects
Especially from Westminster, and the Head-Quarters.
From Munday. May 14. to Munday. May 21. 1649
What now my demagogus, de'ye fear a rout?
Can't Noll protect ye with's victorious snout?
I thought y'had meant there to have sate and plotted,
Untill your Arses and the benches rotted;
What now becomes of your entailes of State
To your young frye, should Treason propagate
O now ye find the Divels grants for years
As void to th' Commons, as to th' House of Peers:
Down Tyrant, that accumulate your ils
'Gainst heaven, as once the Gyants heap'd up hils,
Now to propose your utmost date 'tis well,
Else Thompson threats to fend you to plague bell,
Whilst a worse rabble-Representative
Shall torture those, have scap'd your rage and live.
Yet for a moment this contagious crew
May triumpb in confusion, and imbrue
Their butchering blades in your accursed bloud,
But all will work for sacred Charls his good;
And as these discords heighten, they shall prove
Steps to his Throne, supporters of our love.
TIs a maxime in mischief, that what ever private emulations rage
amongst Factions, they must be stifled till their treasons are accomplished,
and then their flames may (by priviledge of providence) break
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