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Mercurius pragmaticus for King, Number 1, 10th-17th September 1649 E.573[25]

[Numb. 1.]
Mercurius Pragmaticus,
Intelligence from all Parts touching all Affairs, Designs, Humours,
and Conditions throughout the Kingdom.
Especially from Westminster, and the Head-Quarters.
From Munday Septemb. 10 to Munday Septemb. 17. 1649.
Towle, Towle the Bell, the hour is come
that Noll must breath his last,
His Cursed Corps shall be sent home,
the Rebels howl and Fast.
The Functo they shall quake for fear,
that heretofore did vaper;
Black Tom shall Rave, and tear his hair,
their Acts are all waste Paper.
King Charles is come to Claim his Right,
Pryde shall be overthrown;
Scots, English, Irish for Him fight
as well as for Their own.
The law and Gospel shall revive,
the Common-Prayer flourish;
The afflicted People all shall thrive,
Great Charles th' Church shall nourish.
--- Nemo me impune lacessit.
NAy faith never cross the Cudgels, hold them up howsoever: if
my Brother Elencticus and the Man in the Moon do but hold
up bravely, and reform their Intelligence of a Round-headed Humor
(called Lying) we Three will encounter with them all, and knock
'um down as fast as they can rise.
Gentlemen, I Confess I have Refrained my Pen some time from
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