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Mercurius pragmaticus for King, Number 2, 17th-24th September 1649 E.574[20]

not melt into tears of bloud for the loss of that just man: But this
Surpasses, that those graceless Monsters should bring him to his own
Court; nay to the very place where he used to Recreate his oppressed
Sences, over-burdened with studying and contriving their Welfare:
There profusely to Feast and Banquet in his Bloud; nay thrust his
Sacred Person through a window the more to glut their hate: Is Mother
Earth turn'd Rebel too? how could she chuse but tremble, and
quake herself into a Chaos, when he dissolved? Why did not fatal
Damps break from her teeming wombe, and poison all that stood about
him? I know the reason; when but one drop of his did
stain her rugged face, she grew as proud as they of a Revenge, and
not a Stone but held a Counsel how to become their Executioners:
ill Vapours vomited new Diseases up through all her hollow Crannies,
threatning destruction both to man and beast: Bloudy-Fluxes,
Burning-Feavers, and the like, grew Riffe amongst them: and thus
now Sins produced new Diseases: Yet not contented to take the Fathers
Life, hut dis-inherit his Princely Issue, forcing them to be beholding
to strangers for their lively-hood: neither is here all, their
Contractors in mischief are appointed by a Blurt of those called Parliament,
to make sale of the Goods of the Murder'd King, his Queen
and Children, and the Fayre or Market (rather Broakers-shop)to be
made in his own House, viz. Summerset-House, which is proclaimed,
and to begin on Thursday the 27 of this instant September, where are
put to sale several parcels of Guilt and White Plate, robbed out of the
jewel-House in the Tower, and so day after day to make a new Out-Cry
of his Goods: O Murderers! O Bloudy! O Wicked! Cursed
be their Rage, for it is fierce; and their Coveteousness, for it is without
end. Neither doth this stop or satisfie their Envie a whit, for it extends
it self to all that are Loyal to their King of his Heirs: Did other
Parliaments enforce the people to swear that they should be
True, and can these Absolve us of our Oaths, or Command us to
swear quite contrary? Nay contrary to the word of God, that commands
Obedience to Superiors: if they can, they be all Popes or
Traytors, that's for certain.
Monday Septemb. 17. The councel of White-Hall had in Debate
The Escape of Captain Alen out of Peter-House: A Gentleman that
Had eleven or twelve children, kept up by Cymball that cruel Goaler
till he was starve, and his Wife and Children famished for want of
Food (so great is their Parliament Mercy) attempted to get their Father
out for preservation of his life, and did: but since they have apprehended
his Wife and Children, resolving to starve them up there,
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