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Englands moderate messenger, Number 7, 4th-12th June 1649 E.530[36]

Moderate Messenger.
Impartially communicating,
The daily proceedings in Parliament, and Councell of State; with certain
Intelligence of Martiall Affairs from the Armies in England, Scotland,
and Ireland; The proceedings of the princes Fleet, and the parliaments
Navy at Sea; And the most remarkables Newes
from Forraign princes.
Wherein is contained these ensning particulars.
Prince Charls his Message to the Parliament of Scotland and his concossions by way
of an Agreement, sent by the Commissioners for the Treaty, with their proceedings
thereupon. Their securing of divers Lords and a message sent to his Highness in answer
to the said concessions. A new Remonstrance and Declaration of the souldiery
of the Army concerning the present Government of England presented to his Excellency
the Lo. Gen. Fairfax The Declaration and res[unr]ton of the Lord Inchiquin
and the English Army in Ireland concerning Lieu, Gen. Cromwell and the Forces
designed for that Kingdome. The last newes from the Cit[unr]ies of Dublin and London-Derry.
The proceedings of the Marquesse of Ormond, and the Irish Army. And a
great fight at sea upon the coast of Ireland, the manner thereof, the number of ships
sunk, a.d 36 pieces of Ordnance taken.
COllected by the same hand who formerly drew up the Diurnal for R.W. and new
authorized to be printed and published (according to Ordinance of Parliament)
without interruption or molestation. Imprimatur, T.JINNINGS
From Munday the 4. of June, to Munday the 12 of June, 1649.
Beginning Munday June 4.
A New Mase was brought into the House, formed according
to directions formerly given, with a Ball on the top
Flowers, in stead of a Crosse; and the Armes of England
and Ireland upon it, in stead of the Kings Armes, which
was on the other. This Mace was approved of, and the
House voted, that Mr. Sergeant Birkhead should be intrusted
therewith: It was also ordered, that this should be a
plat from for the City Mace, and all other Maces used in
England; and Mr. Munday (by whom this was made) to have the making of the
rest, Severall Members which for some time had been absent (upon satisfaction
given concerning their absence) were ordred to be admitted to take their places
again in the House, viz. Col. Russel, Mr. Thomas Hodges, Mr. Ellis, junior, M. Rich.
Edwards Mr. Brampton Gourden, and Mr. Hussey. Report was made to the House
touching some amendments to be made in the Act, for relieving of all persons
molested grieved, or vexed contrary to Articles; the debate where of took up
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