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The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall, Number 7, 9th-16th March 1649 E.527[36]

Numb. 7. 36
The Kingdoms faithfull and Impartiall Scout,
Certain Occurrences
The proceedings of the Councell of State, and the High Court of
Justice; With other moderate Intelligence from the King and Parliament
of Scotland; from the Lord Fairfax's Army; from the Navy at
Sea; and severall other parts of the Kingdoms of England,
Scotland, France, and Ireland.
Communicating these ensuing Occurrences, viz.
An Act for the banishing of 15 Earls, Lords, and Knights, and a list of their namise
A letter from the Parl. of Scotland, to the Parl. of England, read and debatea yesterday,
and their resolution thereupon. A perfect list of the forces raised in Scotland
and 40 Regiments of Horse and Foot to be forthwith advanced. The Design of
7000 Swedes, English, and Scots, lately in the Queen of Swethlands seavice, against
the Emperour of Germany. A letter of the proceedings of the Prince of Wales, in relation
to England Scotland, and Ireland, a Fleet at sea without any colours to desory
what they are, and a bloudy fight between the English and them, with the number
killed and wounded With the last intelligence from France.
By an Ordinance of Parliament. Imprimatur, G. MABB OTT. 15 March, 1649.
From Friday the 9. of March. to Friday the 16. of March, 1649.
London, Printed for ROBERT WOOD, and are to be sold neer Creplegate,
and at the Royall Exchange in Cornhill, 1649.
Beginning Friday February 9.
SOme through ignorance, others out of discontent, and another
sort which love none but troubled Waters, are the
common disturbers of a Common wealth; and from some
or all of these oftentimes doth arise thousands of inconveniencies;
especially, when they are supported by perswasions
out of the Pulpits, as they have been too forward
in doing in and about London, and the like is practised
now in Holland; but they are most of them of the
Episcopall party, and so are different from the Ministers of Scotland, who cry
down all but the Presbyterians.
Which is in English thus:
Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord.
The King of Scotland (now resident in Holland) hath prepared another Squadron
of ships, for the strengthning of his Fleet at Sea, they are now fayling towards
the coast of Ireland; the design of the Royal party is, to became sole master
of the Brittish Seas.
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