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The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall, Number 7, 9th-16th March 1649 E.527[36]

unite the kingdoms one unto another, and send a great happinesse both to you[nl] &
to him, that he may long live and reign over you, & that that Family may reign
till thy kingdome come, that is, while all temporal power is consummated: J
beseech God of his mercy give much happinesse to this your King, and to you
that in it shall be his subjects, by the grace of Jesus Christ, And so the Lord of Heaven
blesse you all, and God Almighty stench, stench, stench this issue of bloud, this
will not do the business, God Almighty find out another way. And then turning
to one of his servants, said. Baldwin, I cannot see any thing that belongs to my wife,
but I must desire thee to beseech her to rest wholly upon Jesus Christ, and be contented
and fully at is fied. And after he had said a short prayer, he went undantedly
to the Block, laid his head thereon, and upon the sign of stretching forth his hand
the Executioner let fall the Ax, which severed his head from his shoulders, but cut
not the skin quite through; which done, the head and body were both taken, and
put into a coffin and carryed (also)away in manner aforesaid.
Saturday March [unr]0.
THe Parliament debated on a new Writ for election of Members, which was
read and assented to. It was ordered that no Committees, nor Councell of
State fit after nine of the clock in the morning, to the end, the House may meet
betimes. The House also took into debate the charge of maintainidg the Forces
in England and Ireland and the quite taking away of Free quarter; they ordered
that the English Forces have 70000.l.per mensem and the Irish Forces 30000l.[nl] a
Moneth for the future, and an Act ordered to be brought in accordingly.
Munday March 12.
HIs Excellency the Lord Generall signed a, Warrant for, fetching up (in relation
to their tryall Major Gen. Eanghorn Col. Payer, Col. Powel, and Maj.
Philips, they are to be tryed by a Councell of War.
An Act was also read for making all men (as well Lords as others) lyable to
be attached in Law.
The sallery of a thousand pound per annum formerly voted the severall Judges
was ordered to be imployed towards setting forth of more shipping, but the
said stipend to the Judges is to continue only to bee payd, another way was first
thought on.
An Act which I hinted at some weekes past was now read; the substance of it
was that all such as were imprisoned meerly for debt, and have not wherewith to
pay, may not lye in prison and perish there for want, and that all such as have
estates to satisfie and take sanctuary prisons on purpose to defray their creditors
may be compelled all or as far as their estates wil go, this businesse is to be
executed by Commissioners thereto appointed.
Barwick 7 March, 1648. An Expresse is now coming to the Parliament from
the Parl. of Scotland, whereby they own the papers lately subscribed by their
Commissioners when they were coming away, and require their discharge, &c.
The Royall party in the North of Scotland increase apace, and are grown into a
Body of 6000 Horse and Foot; the Country Cavee come in daily to their assistan[nl]ce,
and many hundreds of Major Gen. Holborus men are revoked, and entred
[unr] to conjunction with Col. Frizle, who is commander in chief of the said forces,
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