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The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall, Number 13, 20th-27th April 1649 E.529[22]

Servants, as in your Wisdom shall be thought fit. 5 To receive all the test (if they
desire it) and all the poor of Engla[unr]d prisoners or others) and to feed and cloath
them, and set those that are able, to work those that are not able into Hospitalls,
and little Children into Schooles and Nurseries, 6. To Receive all Fraudutent
Persons, Theeves, and Robbers (not guilty of murther) into house of Labour till
they have earned and paid double the damage they have done. 7. To take of all
Taxes within one year, except customs. 8. To pay all the debts of the Publicke
Faith which remain due at 6. per Cent. within ten years. 9. To pay all Kings
Debts due before this Parliament. 10. To set up a publick Bank, as in Amsterdam,
Venice, and other places. 11. To erect an Accademy for all practises for
the education of youth. 12. And if your honours shall think good to grant the
Fishing, customes, and Revenues of the Navy, &c. then your Petitioners will
undertake to maintain a constant Navy at Sea and [unr] the Marchants at
1. per Cent. a month, for the narrow Sea. 2. To take off the Customs upon
Matterials, and Commodities I maorted, and lay them upon Matterialls and
comm[unr]dities exported 2. To take of [unr] customs upon Manufactures exported
and lay them upon Manufactures Imported.
Thus may your honours be cased of great burthens and molestations be free
to other great affaires: Vind care the Integrity of your proccedings above others;
Stop the mou[unr]hs of your enemies take away all Taxes, and Groa[unr]ge
of the people: do all the great workes of c[unr]arity: reconcile all parties: gaine all
the Peoples Loves, enfranchize their Spirits, make Trade free: establisla your
own peace before God and man and bring down the blessings of God abundantly
upon all your faithfull endeavours.
According to order, Lots were prepared this day, and in the afternoon (by reason
the prisoners were unwilling to draw their own destiny three Lors were given
into the hands of a child; in two of them were writter, Life given by God, and
the other a Blank; the child gave the first to Col. Powel the second o Major Gen.
Laughorn, in both which Life was written and the third (being a blank) to col.
Poyer, so that he is designed to be shot to death; of which more in due place.
The new Plantation in Surrey is re levelled by the Country people and many
of the Levelling Seekers forced to fly (in the heat of their zeal) for refuge.
Munday April 23.
BY Letters from Scotland, as followeth: David Lesley's good service in pacifying
the disturbances in the North, without shedding much bloud (onely by
procuring them an act of Indempnity) was taken into consideration by the committee
of Estates, and 300.l. given him for it. Lieu, Gen. Middleton and the Lord
Ogleby are joyned with Gen. Pluscarti, who make in all about 7000 Horse and
Foot, they have declared for King CHARLES the second, and have entred into a
new Oath and Covenant, to be true to his sacred Majesty and to defend his person
against all opposition whatsoever. Col. Car. is marching with a Briggade of
Horse and Foot against them. The committee of Estates do endeavour as far as
may be to satisfie all parties and interests amongst them and unite in one. Maj.
Straugh an (who not long since was charged of compliancy with the Army, and
such are called Sectaries in England) is already become a man of favour. The
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