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The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall, Number 13, 20th-27th April 1649 E.529[22]

Estates have lately received a message from their Soveraign; where in He declares,
That he will leave no means unattempted, for the serling of a happy peace
within all his Realmes and Dominions; and to that end, is upon a treaty with 7
Christian Princes and Dukes, viz, the King of Denmarke, the King of France, the
King of Spair, the King of Poland, the Queen of Sweden, he Duke of Lanrain, the
Duke of Venice, and the Elector of Brandenburg, Embassadors meet at the Hague
to treat with him, touching his restauration; during which treacy, he desires to be
excused from giving any positive answer, protesting to satisfie all [unr] whatsoever,
so for as it may tend to the Honour of Religion the preservation & safety
of his person and the universall good of his liege people in that Nation. His
Highnesse hath set part a day of Humiliation for a blessing upon the Treaty, and
hath caused D[unr]claration to be printed at the Hague seting forth the just grounds
and principle, there of, and how far his mercy shall extend in reference to his fathers
death: therefor, uni[unr]e O England let peace be within thy Territo[unr]ies, and them
than needst not fear the rage of forraign Princes, but cause thy Shrubs to quell those
lasty Cadors. One that was accounted an Independent, met another of his acquaintance
called a Leveller neer Westmin. I shall sit on your skirts sir said he that
was called independent. The Leve[unr]ler replied Hold fast sir for I intend to turn you
out of the saddle, and o they parted. An Act past for making null the former assented
to by the late King, and the Ordinance since, which appointed Wednesday in
every Month to be observed. This Act doth like wise require that Thursday the 3
of May[unr]e kept a day of Humiliation for Ireland in London, and that day seven-right
throughout the Land. These R[unr]giments of the Army are designed, & some
of them marching out for Ireland, viz. commissary General Iretons, Major Gen.
Lamberts. col. Hortons, col. Scroops. col. Hewson. col. Dean. Col. Ewers, Col.
Cooks, which with Volunters raising will be 10 or 120 0.
There be some which come from St Georges hill in Surrey: who say that a
considerable party of the diggers, mer againe in pursuance of what they had began,
a modest Gentleman come to them and for i[unr]time he expostulated the cause
with some of them, and after a short discourse the Gentleman begin moved
strook one of them a box on the eare. The Leveller said it was again their principles
to return it againe, but rather to turn the other care so the businesse was
soon pacified, yet the digger shortly after she wed much choller and discontent
said, that on all that hedigged he would sow Hempseed.
Much talk hath been within new dayes amongst the Royalists that the prince
should be proclaimed neer the exchange London, and that the world may know
upon what slender grounds they are apt to speake of such things, for satisfaction
[unr], the manner was only thus. A begger boy about ten yeares of age neere
Barchin. Lane to please the royall party (as they are called) tooke on him to
proclaime the Prince &c. the successe was onely this, some gave him money,
and others threatned to have him sent to Bride well.
Tuesday. April. 24.
THe main businesse this day in the house was debate of monies charged formerly
upon the excise in course, and at last it was ordered that it should be
paid out of monies raised out of Deanes and Chapters Lands. A petition was
brought to the house by about 300, woman in behalf of Lieut. col, Lilburn: and the
other 3 in the Tower, wherein amongst other things they have these expressions,
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