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The moderate messenger, Number 20, 3rd-10th September 1649 E.532[37]

Numb. 20.
The Moderate Messenger.
Impartially communicating,
The daily proceedings of Parliament, and Councell of State; with certain
Intelligence of Martiall Affairs from the Armies in England, Scotland,
and Ireland; The proceedings of the princes Fleet, and the parliament;
And the last Newes from the Kings of scots, and the
Lord Governour of Ireland.
Wherein is Contained these ensuing particulars.
The Declaration and Resolution of the Parl of Derby in the Isle of Man, and his
Message the Parliament of England, Prince Charles going out of France towards
Ireland with a great Fleet. The proceedings of the Levellers at Oxford,
their securing of the City, and what they declare conserving the whole Souldiery
of England. The Lord Governour Cromwell taking the field with then thousand
Horse and Foot, and the place appointed for a pitchs battell, with the Marquesse
of Ormond, the Lord Inchiquin, and the Lord of Ards, The Kentish mens now Remonstrance
concerning the parliament of England. And the Lord Gen. Fairfax's
Declaration to every respective Regiment throughout the Army. The sayling of
the King of Denmark's ships towards the North of England, & a great fight there
between the English and the Swedes, with the particulars of the losse on both sides,
and the number killed, taken, and funk.
Collected by the same hand who formerly drew up the Diurnal for R.W. and now
printed and published to prevent mis-information.
Sept. 8. 1649. Imprimatur, T. IENNINGS.
From Munday the 3. of Sep. to Munday the 10. of Septemb. 1649.
Beginning Munday the 3. of Sep.
THis day the House not setting, I shall begin with
some forraign Intelligence, and represent the action
and success of our Sons of Mars, both by
Sea and Land; and first, from Ireland, they write,
That the Lord Governour Cromwell hath mustered
17 Regiments of Foot, and 5000, horse, which
consist of 15000 compleatly arm'd, men both resolute
and unanimous, and have declared their cordiall
affection, to live and die with his Lordship
in reducing and bringing to obedience the insulting
Enemy of that Nation; and in order thereunto,
his Lordship hath issued forth Orders for the
taking of the field, but whether for Munster against
the Lord Inchiquin, or for Droghedah against
the Marq. of Ormond, is not yet known: Of which, more in due place. As for the
action at Sea, its said to redound much to the honour of the English, for by the gallantry
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