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The moderate messenger, Number 20, 3rd-10th September 1649 E.532[37]

godly man, and well affected; make a covenant contrary to that, and let
him subscribe, he is again godly and well addicted: the Scriptures, and
old rules, being for that use out of date far and wide.
Milford Haven Sep. 1, Col. Abbots Dragoons were ships hence they
went out to Sea, and were wind bound two days; after which, with a
aside-wind they went off, intending for Dublin, but no news yet of their
arrivall. Col. Hottons and the Maj. Gen. foot ore shipping away after
them. Many of the Lord Lieu. horse were sick and weak at their [unr]an
ling, especially those that were carryed towards Munster, to seek foresing,
but found none. The Marq. of Ormonds horse are accompted 4000
his foot 3000, with whom the L. Claristrickard is joyned with 800, and
4000 foot, they randezvouz neer Tredagh on the other side of a spacious
River, and withini a mile of a Bog, which is 3 miles long, he hath
caused all the Bridges to be cut off drives the Country of Cattell, and
hath laid them in as a store at Tredagh, Trim, and other Garrisons; all
men in that kingdom sit to bear arms are gotten into a posture of war
about 5000 have declared for the Lord Gover. many hundreds lie inwards;
what the event will be, we leave unto him that governs all[unr]
THe Parliament the Act for Hats and H[unr]sbands priz has none [unr]
from beyond Seas. An Act read for bringing Sea men taken a [unr]
have revolted, to tryall.
There being 20 poor people who had for their relief a Lease for
some part of the lands of that Deancry, and the Lease being high our
their case was made known to the House, and the House thereupon ordered,
That the Lease should be renewed for 40 years longer. col a[unr]
On Sunday last, There preached an Epis. Doctor in Thames street;
who pray'd for the King of Scotland, and in his Sermon used many invectives
against the present Governours and Government, diss[unr]ding
the people therefrom; his text being, what will it pro[unr]ed the
whole world, and lose your own so assists At this Church was Corn mon
prayer said, at which the people shewed much joy. But the Doctor sea
ordered to be sent for into custody: in like manner, were many of her,
Divines, viz. Mr. Love, Mr. Tayler, Mr. Hall, &c. ordered to trend the
Committee, who upon examination, deported themselves [unr]
boldnesse of suicio and have (since) declared That they will [unr]ns
crificelise, yorcases, and estate, the associate les sw[unr]
gagement and principles, [unr] want.
Mr. Hall is silenc'd from preaching but hath the p[unr]t [unr]
berty, by the engagement of his Parishioners Mr. Taylor is outed, a[unr]
Mr. Love ordered to attend another day.
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