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The moderate messenger, Number 14, 23rd-30th July 1649 E.532[4]

The Moderate Messenger.
Impartially communicating,
The daily proceedings of Parliament, and Councell of State; with certain
Intelligence of Martiall Affairs from the Armies in England, Scotland,
and Ireland; The proceedings of the princes Fleet, and the parliament;
And the last Newes from the Kings of Scots, and the
Lord Governour of Ireland.
wherein is contained these ensuing partoalars.
A Declaration of the Parl. of Scotland, concerning the Marq. of Ormond, the L. Inchiquin
the L.Ards, and the rest of the Army that have besieged Dublin; the L. Inchiquin's
Summons & Challenge to Col. Jones, his planting of the Ordnance, preparing
of skaling Ladders & Faggots for a storm; a bloudy Fight, the number killed; a great
Victory obtained against the Parl.forces, & the coming over of divers great Commanders
for England;with the number of horse and for that have deserted Colonel
Jones & declared for the King of Scots, together with their Protestation, & the Declaration
of the L. Moor, L. Hontz, Col. Trevor, Col. Armstrong, Sir T. Meredith,
& Sir Patrick Weems, for a Government by King, Lords, and Commons; a Letter
to the Presbyterians of London, touching the same; sad news for the Parl. 40 Reg. of
horse & foot raising, & great store of arms gone by Sea into Scotland.
Collected by the same hand who formerly drew up the Diurnal for R. W. and now
printed and published to prevent mis-information.
July 29. 1649.
From Munday the 23, of July, to Munday the 30. of July, 1649.
Beginning Munday the 23. of July.
THE Commons took into consideration the prisoners
lately taken at Sea, viz. Col. Windham
Col. Legg, and others; and after some debate
touching the height of their offences, and under
what notion they should be look't upon, it
was voted, ThatCol. Legg should be committed
prisoner to Bristol, for high Treason; as
that Col.Windham, and the rest. should be
committed prisoners to the Mountain Cornwall
for the like offence;and instructions were
given to Sir Hardresse Waller to dispose of
them accordingly.
The Case of Major Gen.Brown, Sir Wil:
Waller, and Sir John Clotworthy (prisoners
at Windsor) Ordered to be considered the next opportunity, [the former, the better, provided
they have fair play, for their great expence of time and money.] The Widow
and Relic't of Col. Thorney had her accompts referred to the Committee of Worcester
house, and Sir Trevor Williams his sequestration ordered to be taken off.
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