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The moderate messenger, Number 14, 23rd-30th July 1649 E.532[4]

Bristol 26 instant. Divers of Col. Reynolds Reg. which were designed for Ireland,
deserted their Colours, but Col. John Jones his troop in North-Wales took many of
them; some of them are discharged, but 14 of the most refractory were sent to Cam[unr]
then to be proceeded against by the Lord Lieut. [There is more praise purchased by
pardoning, then by taking revenge; yet is there often a necessity of making some exemplary.
The news from Scotland this week may briefly be contained in these few
lines, viz. Will: Murry is lately come thither from their King; yet not with condescensions
larg enough to content all parties, and the Clergy are like to preach him down as
much as ever they cry'd him up, if he come not np to them, or at least admit of a Treaty
with them apart. The Parl. carry the transactions 'twix' them and their King (for so they
call him) very privatly, but seem not to be satisfied. Great are the expectations of all
hands of what is promised to be brought very suddenly by Sir Wil. Flemming. A great
Army is raising, their Officers already nominated.
Wednesday July 25.
THe House had some debate concerning an Adjournment but nothing done in it; the
debate requires no great expedition. Ordered that no privat busines be heard for 8.
days. As for the Overtures so much spoken of concerning the surrender of the Jsle of
Man, there appears more difficulty in it then was known at first. The Commons resumed
the debate upon the report made by Mr. Corbet, of a List of Officers necessary to be
added to those appointed by the late Modell, for the better carrying on the affairs of the
Customs in the Port of London, and the Out-ports.
Resolved &c. That this House doth approve of the increase and establishment in the
said List for the Port of London. The List of such Officers as are conceived necessary, and
which may conveniently carry on the affairs of the Customes in the respective Out-ports
of this Nation, together with such S llaries as are conceived fit to be allowed unto them,
was also read. Resolved, &c. That the Committee of the Navy be impowered to increase
the Salleries of the Cheque in the principall Port as they shall see cause, not exceeding
20. l. and to raise the Sallaries in the Cheque of the inferiour Ports if they see cause, not
exceeding the sum of 10. l.
H. Scobel, Cler. Parl.
Divers of the persons nominated in the List for the Out-Ports were not passed, but
recommitted back to the Committee of the Navy to be further considered of, as particularly
young Mr. Tod of Lyn, and others.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Navy to examine and state the
whole businesse, and report it to the House on Thursday next, and the place of Cheque
of the Port of Lyn is to stand with a blank in the List now reported in the mean time.
Bristol July 23. Sir Our stay here hath bin longer then we expected, which occasions
many to give out, that we intend to lye still, and spend the Nations Treasure, and never
advance for the relief of Ireland, especially since Tredagh and Trim is delivered, and a
close siege or storm intended speedily against Dublin. I assure you, many of our forces are
willing and cordial to undertake that service, though some fall off thereby, and discourage
the rest; and if we have monies and shipping in any convenient time, we doubt not, but
the greatest part of them will clear those doubts, by their willingnesse in this expedition,
so soon as fair wind serve, which we somewhat fear at present; and if the insurrection of
the discontented people divert us not, and prevent our intentions. And in prosecution
hereof, most of the Regiments are dispicrsed into severall Counties in order to their transportation,
and a Randezvouz intended at or neer Milford Haven; so that by Munday
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