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The armies modest intelligencer, N/A, 1649 E.540[7]

Communicating to the whole Kindom,
certaine passages in Parliament, the full proceeding
upon the Kings Triall, Debates
at the Generall Councell, with varietie
of Intelligence from severall places
in England, and other parts
of Europ.
From Friday thi 19 of I[nl]anuary to Friday thi 26 of January.
Printed for C. Brook and are to be sold in the Old bayley
THE Kings of England for above five hundred yeare have
claymed the Crowne of this Kingdome as heriditary
from the Conquest of William Le Bast[nl]ard with whom
came in a great part of the Nobility and Gentry of
this Kingdome (many families whereof are remayning to this day
which being granted (as it cannot be denyed) the question will
be how many persons which were not natives of this Kingdome
attayned to any estates or preferment. The answer whereof briefly
is this, upon the Settlement of this Kingdome, after the coming
in of the Normands the Conquerer tooke on him the dividing
thereof in manner following viz, one part thereof hee gave to
the Church or (as it was called then) to pyous uses, another
part to the Gentlemen which had served him in the warrs, and
the third part he gave to the middle sort of people to maintaine
the plough (or that the plough should maintaine the Court And
in regard that which was reserved to the Crowne could not bee
improved without setting of it forth, whereupon began the repute
of Chivilre, but [unr] ilbury saith that before the Conquest the
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