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The armies modest intelligencer, N/A, 1649 E.540[7]

Wendesday 34.
Newes came this day that there are some ships come Sea
are to be under the command of Prince Rupert which are thir[nl]teen
in number. I shall here give you a list of their names viz. The Con[nl]stant
Reformation, The Swallow. The Charles, The Black [unr]
Lady. The Row Cuck. The Thomas. The Dover. The Exch[nl]ang.
William and Margret. The Susan. The Elizabeth. & the May[unr] The[nl]
nu[nl]mber Officers Gent, and Souliders which are in this Fleet are said
to be about eleven hundred, These ships cary at least two hundred &
twenty peeces of Ordiance and are sayling towards Ireland. They
have latly taken a great English Ship by estimation worth twenty
thousand pounds, and it is feared they have met with the Fleet of
Marchants ships coming from Bardaux laden with wires for that the
last letters say that they were chased upon the Downes, the next [unr]
newes we hope will be better.
Thursday Jan. 24 Newes came this morning that an Ambassador
from Holland landed yesternight, and is expected this day at London,
It's reported he hath something to impart in behalf of the King, but
whether his Message be in the name of all the united Provinces of only
from Holland is not yet known, it's believed onely from the latter.
It is also said that the Queene of Bobemia hath a desire to come
to see the King her Brother.
The King lay at St, Jamis the last night, and the High Court of
Justice go on in hearing witnesses to prove the: severall parts of the
Charg against him Some say that they saw him present at the seting up
of his Standard Others that they did see him in the feild an such and
such Fights with his sword drawne &c, and when he is called against
if he plead the witnesses will be reany to speak viva voce and if he
still refuse to plead it probable the Court will give present Sentence.
The high Court of justice now fiting in the painted Chamber Proclamation
was made in westmin her Hall for those that were in the Hall
to depart thence. Out of France it is certified that the People have set
up their Standard. Thus have you,
The Proclamasion made yesterday in Westminster Hall, A fuller relation
of the Kings: Tryall, and a messag sent about it from the States of
Holland. The examinations of witnsses to prove the charg against the
King, and a list of Prince Ruperns Fleat at Sea,
24. Jan. 1648.
Imprimater G. Mabbott.

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