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Mercurius pragmaticus for King, Number 6, 22nd-29th May 1649 E.556[25]

2 Pars
Num. 6.
Mercurius Pragmaticus.
(For King Charls II.)
Communicating Intelligence from all
parts, touching all Affairs, Designes, Humours
and Conditions throughout the Kingdom.
Especially from Westminster and the Head-Quarters.
From Tuesday May 22. to Tuesday May 29. 1649.
The King removes, or rather flies,
Though Aids but slowly creep;
For all the Princes, His Allies,
(I thinke) are fal'n asleep.
Halloo (my Muse) in th' ears of Spain,
And France, and tell them a[unr],
Though Charls the First alone were slain,
Yet they with Him did fall.
Those Rebel-Storms which sank him quite,
And cast His Glory down,
Question the very Cause and Right
of ev'ry Monarch's Crown.
If England now to pipe begin,
As Holland led the Dance,
Republique-Fashions will Come in
And then the next is France.
------Nemo me impune lacessit.
THe Proverbe faith, A Dog hath his day, and so hath the Independent;
for Brother-Leveller bath had his good-night as well as sir John Presbyter,
and must be forced. like him, to live upon the mercy of the ruling
faction. Indeed, this Reformation hath brought forth a pretty litter, and
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