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Mercurius pragmaticus for King, Number 6, 22nd-29th May 1649 E.556[25]

make no more then a Cock-Sparrow of his Highnesse or his Excellency.
Which being don, and Intelligence given that the Persuers were at hand,
he fled out of Town, and being followed hard, his men were taken; but
himself better mounted than the rest, escaped into a wood neer Wellingborough,
where being hunted out, and resolved to take no quarter, he charged
the party of Horse most bravely 3 several times, and sent some of them to be
his Harbingers in the other world; whether himself followed immediately
being at his third charge Shot by a Carbine with seven Bullets into the belly.
Thus fell the great Achylles, or that Alexander of the Levellers, who wanted
nothing but a Royal Cause, and a better Fortune, to have built himself a
Monument as large as either of those: however, let him live among his
own party by the name of Tompson the great.
This Tragedy being over, & the Lion dead whom Cromwel feared living; &
his Highness & his Excellency having their hearts now at ease, they set forward
from Burford to Oxford, to have their Triumphs celebrated by the spurious
Bratt of the University; where they were lodged in All-Souls Colledg, heretofore
a neat nursery of civility and learning. The next day being Friday May
18. all the Corydons of the long Bebe, Reynoldes the Fox their vice-Chancellor,
with the Tailes of Several Colledges which are now becom the Heads, attended
with the pitifull Proctors, came to bid his Highnesse and his Excellency
both welcom; at which time, one Row (a new upstart) of All-Soules ventured
upon a speech to that purpose; the sence (or nonsence) whereof was
of so hard digestion, that it staid the stomacks of his Excellencies Officers,
(or Court of Mechanicks) till Saturday; upon which day old Zeb. of
Magdalen's gave them a dinner and a dry speech or two like the former; but
the old fool being Speechlesse, because his wife Kate hath all the tongue, the
Junier Doies were sain to speak all.
But now the game began after dinner; and if Philip Herbert had been
there again, they had had a fool in the Play, and then all had been right: for
they went to shew Tricks once again in the convocation, where the Devil
turn'd Monke, and Nol became as good a Doctor of the Civil-Law, as his
Excellency: And to make up the show, Sir Dumpling Waller the tatted Calf,
Ingold by that Tercel of a Gentleman, Harrison the pert Atturney's Clerk,
Adjut. Gen. Sedasoue the butterbox; Row the Anabaptist, Okey the Tailor,
and Hughson the Cobler, with a dozen of Religions and Trades more, were
dubb'd Masters of their own arts or handicrafts, whilst Reynolds applauded
all their Successes and victories in a Set-Speech, but he left Out the Triumphs
that were made over his faction of Preslytery; and Mr. Orator of Christ-Church
Button'd all together with dissimulation and flattery, calling Crumwell
and Farfax ALTERIMARTIS GEMELLI,in comparison
with Romul is and Remus; but then he should have made the comparison
hold throughout, and applyed the Story home, by shewing how in time they
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