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Mercurius pragmaticus for King, Number 6, 22nd-29th May 1649 E.556[25]

since they would not hold together, but behaved themselves so wisely in
Order to his Majesties Service, as to make the New-States (who are best
able) to bear the charges of their Transportation.
But yet the States (forsooth) make huge Brags of a great Fleet they
have at Sea, insomuch that P. Rupert and his Sea-men (they say) lie block't
or barrell'd up like pickled Herring, while Sir George Aiscough is as rampant
as a Leviathan, having taken 29 prises, and all in a Pin-box: But they
never reckon what they have really lost, contenting themselves with such
Stories as Hugh Peters brought from the Sea in his Budget, who made a
Repetition of all those Drolleries which he preached on Ship-board, and of
such Answers as he Pretends were given him when he Catechised the Seamen;
who (he sayes) all vow to live and die in the Service of the State, and
have Provided themselves of Fire-Ships, sesolving to play as mad pranks as
ever Drake did, and set P. Ruperts Navy on fire, though it cost them hot
water. And thus (perhaps) the State-Animals may live upon the air of
such Reports for a month (or two) till the honest Sea-men have occasion
to set the 3 Admirals (Or admirable Water-Rats) on Shore again, as they
did Colonel Rainsborough.
The Scots have at length taken London-Derry, and recovered all Ulster:
But if they be of the same mind with the good-Brethren at Edenburg,
what good will it bring his Majesty, since the Brutes of both Factions are
endeavoring a right understanding of each other? And now the New-Trade
is driven for a reconciliation, that the Lord may be one, and his name
one, and the Knaves all one, to Lord it over the three Kingdoms, contrary
to the Covenant, and the example of the best reformed Churches.
As a preparative whereunto, the high and mighty Junto at Derby-house
have given order to stroke the profound Rabbies of the assembly under the
Gills, by giving them leave to sit again; but without their four shillings a
day wages, since enough comes in by the blessed Trade of Pluralities and
Simony: For, you must understand, that there was nothing which made
the mony-changers so mad against their Saviours of the contrary faction
for cutting Oft the Kings-head, but because they first whip't them quite out
of the Temple.
Yes, and there was one Reason more, because they had a design to draw
in his present Majesty to do what His glorious Father denied, and make
the Royal a meer Stalking-horse to the Presbyterian-interest: But finding
that is not to be done, and that their gude Brethren beyond Tweed are far
gone another way, in sacrificing the Covenant to a compliance with Sectaries,
in good sooth, They are even wheeling abou too here in London, in so much
that every pulpit begins to cool, as if they meant to twist interests
with that Rope of Sand at Westminster, which in the end may prove fatall,
and make them hang one another.
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