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Mercurius pragmaticus for King, Number 10, 19th-26th June 1649 E.561[16]

{ 2 Pars.
Num. 10.
Mercurius Pragmaticus.
(For King Charls II.)
Communicating Intelligence from all
Parts, touching all Affairs, Designes, Humours
and Conditions throughout the Kingdom.
Especially from Westminster and the Head-Quarters.
From Tuesday June 19. to Tuesday June 26. 1649.
The Saints enjoy a breathing-while;
No noise of Swords or Spears:
But still a Cloud ore-spreads the Isle,
Not yet Dissolv'd to Tears.
Mens Hearts are Flint, and will not Melt!
King sufferings are neglected:
But every idle pinch is felt
Amongst the Well-affected.
The Earth, and all that thereon grows,
Was made to please their Palats:
Whilest we are fed with Bits and Blows,
Thin-Cheese,and hungry Sallets.
Yet they presume, Prag. Drinks,and Feasts:
And so he does (no doubt:)
But 'tis so close, those rav'nous Beasts
Have yet not found him out.
-Nemo me impunè lacessit.
I See then Infallibilitie's tyed no more to the Chair of State, then it is to
the pope's; or else they could never have mistaken No-body for Somebody;
for yet they may see old Prag. is at liberty. What? do they think
it possible I should be frighfed from my Dinner by a few red Rags of iniquity?
Be it known to them, I am stronger guarded then Bradshaw himself
is. I have Legions of Angels hovering about my Table, An Hercules
attending every Dish, Champions-Royal Supporters to every Bowl I drink,
a peculiar Life-guard for every Course. I feast sumptuously, sleep securely,
I rise at leisure, ride or walk where I list, write what I will, print what I
please : My Presse too is maintained by the strength of a Cittadell, surrounded
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