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Mercurius pragmaticus for King, Number 31, 27th November-4th December 1649 E.584[10]

Part 2.
Nu. 31.
Mercurius Pragmaticus.
(For King Charls II)
Communicating Intelligence from all parts
touching all Affaires, Designes, Humors, and
Conditions throughout the Kingdome.
Especially from Westminster, and the Head-Quarters.
From Tuesday Novem. 27. to Tuesday December 4. 1649.
New Plotts the Rebells lately laid,
And 'mongst themselves devis'd,
How they might have our King berray'd,
And to them Sacrific'd.
Tis Royall-blood these Traytors want,
None elfe can satisfie
Nor quench the thirst of th' English-Saint,
Who lives by Tyranny.
No no alasse! Still more and more
These Rav'ning Monsters Rage!
Still to bee drunke with Kingly gore,
Their Malice to Asswage.
But God is just, and will not yeild
That any Judas kisse
Shall e're prevail against his Sheild,
Which o're our Soveraign is
------Neme me impunè Lacessie.
GOD is his Rock of Defense and his helpe in trouble, his Sword and
Buckter; hee it is cuts downe the Enemies of his Anointed, and
makes those who would bee Traytors to him, to become betrayors of
themselves. nor have the Sainted Devills at Westminster; yet received
their Quietus est, their time is but coming, their Shrievallties must first
end and then their accounts must bee taken and their discharge bee issued
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