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Mercurius pragmaticus for King, Number 31, 27th November-4th December 1649 E.584[10]

Foote, and were advanced towards Rosse: But Maggot-face thinking
to stop them with his refulgent Face, began to Nose at them, drawing
his Army for the Battle, within eight miles or Rosse, where the Marquesse
gave him an Irish fall, and gave him such a pill that he purg'd his
Rebellship's Host of 2000. which were left dead in the place, & perished
in their wickednesse, becoming as dung of the earth; besides the pursuit to
Rosse, in all which the Royall Army tooke many prisoners; it is reported
Ireton, the Devills Disciple, is in hold, and that Jones is kil'd, and Col.
Phayre is kil'd Reynolds wounded, but Cromwell is escaped with his
Horse, and fled towards Dublin having lost all his traine of Artillerie:
further particulars, at present, I cannot give: but I hope in my next I
shall bee able to satisfie all expectations, in despite of these State Scycophants,
who have raised a lye that Kngsale and Kilkenny are taken by
Cromwell, only to incourage more supplies to goe over.
Sir George Munroe hath been in the Lagan and burnt a great deale of
the Corne, and driven away all with him; I am informed that hee hath
re-taken Colerane, but of that I am doubtfull, however 'tis most certain
he hath a considerable Body, and doth keep young Coote to hard meat.
Montrosse is not yet landed in Scotland, though the Forces there are
very numerous, and so strong and formidable, that now they march out
from Orkney further into the Countrey and increase their number. David
Lesley is returned to Edenburgh, with his Forces, and it is Reported
his men will not march against the Royall-Army. I heare the L. Lybbertoun
is landed in Orkney, with some more men from Denmarke, where
the Ma. Of Montrossers still very busie in his levies of an Army, which now
is neere accomplished to the number of 8000, besides what are already
sent into Scotland. The-Treaty between france and Spaine goes on still
very cheerefully, and is like to be effectuall.
The Presbyterians do begin to swell with rage against this new Modell
of Government; the generall Subscription will not be swallowed, Darbyshire,
and those Counties, I understand by Letters thence, do extremely
enveigh against the Juncto, saying their endeavors are no other then to
enslave the People; affirming they will let flip no oportunity to free
themselves from such Arbitrary Rulers.
Our Gracious Soveraigne is yet in Jersey, where those wicked Traytors
had Conspired to sell their Master for the unrighteous Mammon of
this Diabollicall, Blood-thyrsty State; 150000.1. was their Portion,
but Loyall-Cartwright brought their Treachery to the Gallows, and they
are made an example to other. Progers, Eliot, and some say young
Windham was one, and hath shared in the reward of Treason, with the Other
Long Life bee to our King, and let his daies
Bee multiplied, whil'st Traytors die like these.

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