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Continued heads of perfect passages, Number 2, 20th-27th April 1649 E.529[23]

Perfect Passages
Proceedings of the Councel of State, and the Army:
From Fryday 20 April, to Fryday the 27. of April, 1649:
Imprimo[unr]s Theodrre Fennings, 26 April, 1649
Printed at London for Andrew Coe, and are to be fold without Cripplegate,
and in the Old-Bayley, 1649.
Beginning Fryday April 20.
AN act for relief of prisoners, was this day broug [unr] to,
and read the first time and second time, and (after
debate) referred to a Committee. This Act is concerning
prisoners for debt, for the reformation of
two great abuses,and oppressions thereby. 1. That
such who have great Estates, may not by taking of
a prison, keep of their Creditors from their Right,
when they have no [unr] Creditors
with all; only lye in [unr] defects their Creditors.
2.That such who are peace, and have not
to pay, may not be kept and starved in prison, only
their Lands, Goods, and Estates, to be lyable to pay so farre as they will satisfie.
3.For providing for Creditors to be paid out of their I states that town them, after
a short time imprisonment.
The House referred the said Act to [unr] Committee with Instructions.
This day the House of Commons ordered, that thanks should be given to Mr.
Caroll, Mr. Owes, and Mr. Warren, for the Sermons preached before them [unr] day
before (being the fast) at Margrets west minister; And that they should be defined
to print their Sermons, which Message was sent to them by 5. Members of the
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