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Continued heads of perfect passages, Number 2, 20th-27th April 1649 E.529[23]

till further Order, And Lieut, Gen, Hammond, Col, Scroop, and Col. Barkead,
or any two of them are desired to be present and see the lots so drawne. Given
under my Hand and Scale 21 of Aprill 1649. The: fairdx
According to this Order, Lots were accordingly prepared Saturday April 21
And in the afternoone (by reason the prisoners were unwillingly to draw their
owndestiny) three Loes were given into the hands of a Child, in two of them
was written, Life Given by God, And the other blank.a
The Child gave the first to Colonell Powell, the Second to Col, Poyer, So that
he is defined for to be shot to death, but no day is appoynted,
The House also passed several other Votes Concerning the said Ordinance.
From the Navy came letters, that there bath been 2 of P. Ruperts Ships taken,
one in the West, the other in the North, And that 3 ships were rescued that were
Merchants Ships, that the Irish had taken on the Northern Coasts: great store of
Coales are coming from Newcastle, and a Geard with them.
From Holland it is said that P. Charles hath looked so favourably on the Scots,
that the Lord Lamrisk is made Duke Hambletor, and that P. Charles hath sent a
Message into Scotland. The Queen of England hath sent a Letter to P. Charles, not
to engage absolute with Scotland, before he receive further advertisements from
her. Col. Jones sent out a small party of horse from Dublin, no enemy appeared a[unr]ft
him, and they returned with a prey of Cattle, The great it want at Dublin
a bread-corn, There bath been a fight between Owen Roe, and Preston, And nigh
100. Irish slaine. From Scotland came by expresse as followeth, z.
A Letter sent from Edenburgh in Scotland to a Member of the House of
SIR, Commons.
OUr Malignants here are very high, they speak of hopes on every hand, tis not believed,
the businesse of the Levellers will end so, Gen. Pluscarty is in the Hiles with
aconsiderable party, and will not fight till he heare from the King, from who if be receive
a Commission, be will subdue the whole North of Scotland in all probability; one
Major Stranghan a Malignant, was going from the North to the King to fetch it, as also
that Middleton might be Lieut. Gen. of Scotland, but Col. Carre and the honest Straughan,
another of that name, having notice of it, sent a party of Troopers with Cornet Griffith,
(who was almost drouped in the businesse) they forthwith boarded the Ship, took the
said Straughan, as also one Col. Lightor, and one Mr. John Crookeshake, also Montrose
his Secretary, cal'd Wil:Hoard, who are since brought to this Town,) the oldforces
are gone to the North; but David Lefly himself is daily expected in Town. Argile is
achive in raising his mens, the Leavy will within a fortnight (its thought be up) several
English came into this Countrey to be entertained as Horsemen, but the Committee of Estates
have taken down the pay of a Trouper to 14 d. per diem 'which will give them Smal
encouragement, (Leith is fortifying, Mayor Dixsons loosing his Cloakbag at Ferribridge
if extreamly ill taken, the Estates have written to the Speaker about it.
Edenburgh the 10. of April. 1649.
Monday April 23.
A Petition was this day brought to Westminster to be delivered to the House [unr]
Commons, by nigh 500. women, delivered to the supream Authority of this
Nation, the Commons assembled in Parliament. The humble Petition of divers
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