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Continued heads of perfect passages, Number 5, 11th-18th May 1649 E.530[10]

Perfect Passages
Proceedings of the Councell of State, and the Army.
From Friday 11 May. To Friday the 18 of May 1649.
Imprimatur Theodore Jennings, 2 May 1649
Printed at London for Andrew Coe, and are to be sold withort Creplegate,
and in the Old- Bayley. 1649.
Beginning Friday May II
The House this day tooke into debate the businesle concerning
Mr. Tompson and those that adhere unto him (called Levelers)
and that the Nation might take notice of their judgement
therein. They ordered and declared, That the said Mr.
Tompson, and all that do and shall adhere unto him, and all other
that bears Arms without Authority of Parliament are Rebells
and Traytors.
And that no man might plead ignorance herein, they ordered
that a Proclamation should be forthwith drawn to this
purpose, and that it should be proclaimed throughout all the Nation.
They likewise ordered, that a letter should be drawn and sent to the the L. Generall
now upon his march to acquaint him, that there are severall men who (as the
house is informed) have put themselves in armes in opposition to the Parliament and
Nation, and that His Excellency be required to use all means possibly, for suppressing
of them as Rebells; and for the preservation of the peace of this CommonWealth.
In Order hereunto and for the preservation of the City and Parl (hearing of some
discontents at home) The House Ordered that Major Gen. Skippon (who hath the
command of the City forces) be required to use his utmost endeavours for suppressing
of Tumults, as he shall receive directions from the Councell of State.
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