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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 8, 18th-25th April 1649 E.529[20]

The Impartiall Intelligencer.
A Perfect Collection
Proceedings of the Councell of State; with other Choyce
Intelligence from the Lord Fairfax's Army, from the Navy at Sea, and
the Most Remarkable Newes from Forraigne Parts.
April 24. 1649 Imprimatur Thesdore Iennings.
Froms Wednesday April 18. to Wednesday April 25. 1649.
London, Printed by JC. and are to be sold neer Cripplegate, and at the
Royall Exchange in Cornhill, 1649.
Beginning Wednesday April 18
This day came intelligence from Ireland, that Prince
Rupert hath called a Councel of his Officers, and
that things are much at unsetlednesse there.
PRince Rupert being much off onted by his Seaman,
and lately in some danger to be killed by
them, having lately surprised him; be made a Declaration
to them, to essure them that the would c It
all the officers to account, and see them leave their
dues. A councel of officers were called, and it was
resolved to send out such ships wherein the most
active were to imployment from the rest, and to let them have some monies; And a Treaty
to be with the Lord Inchiqueene to sent in Provisions; Ormond and Owen Roc
Oneale, are still at a great d stares , and not likely to be reconciled Prince Rupett
bath Sent Letters to France to the Queen of England, for Some Speedy Supplies, and to
use her ulmost endeavenrs to Engage their King, Prince Charles, to come to Ireland
Corke the 12. of April, 1649
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