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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 8, 18th-25th April 1649 E.529[20]

for the Securing thereof. The Committee gave him 3001 [unr]erl. Voted that Such as
those in the North as Would Come to Edinburgh and give [unr]
acquitted, and have an Act of Indemnity but no other Letters from Col [unr]
(Who was left to Command in his absence) that Midd'es on ougbeshies were [unr]
with Plescarti that he with the 5. Troops with him, and Same Other forces
Were marching towards them, and so thought Well (if Possible) to engage then
before the L. G. Came to them: News also that Lewis Gourdin is up again [unr]
may guesse what the Estate of this Kingdom is at Present. Yesterday a letter from
the Commissioners in Holland, hinting the Kings declining to Put away Men[unr]
and delaying them in their businesse as it be would Wait a little long also see
how matters would go here, and elsewhere. No More at Present
Edenburgh 18 April 1649
The Copy of Letter from Dartmouth.
Sir, I have no newes to wite you out of these Parts, but Only at the Black Lads
Whom the Prince I See is going to Feast with taking away of Tithes and giving
of them larger Benefices. They have had Consultation together in this Countery.
and their result was, That They that made the Fast Should Keepe it, for they would
not, but resolve to Keep their monthly, Fast as appeareth by their
Practice in pin
mouth & Exon the last Fast .Surely, they do not beleive the Parl. is in good [unr]
to establish their Government, and their wages for if they did, they would make it
more matter of conscience to Sweare What they did Says and Seale what they did
Darkmouth the 20. Aprill 1649.
Aprill 22 Came Letters From a ship called the happy Entrance that she had
taken a Flemish Bottom, bound for Ireland; in Which was sixty and odde Field
Officers, Collonels, Lievetenant Collonels Majors &c. besides severall other Commission
Officers, to the number of a 100 more. There Was taken in that V[unr]ill
the Lady Culpepper, and Sir Lewis Dives his son. For the Lady She is Sent back to
Holland: It is confessed by them, they had Charles Stuarts Commission, Whom
they call King, Which Was Cast Over board.
Tuesday April 24.
THis day, the house was moved in behalf of Mrs. Poyer Who Petitioned the
house in behalf of her husband Col. Poyer, to Spare his life, but after Some debate
is was laid aside.
Col. Poyer is to be Shot to death tomorrow being Wednesday in the Covent
Garden about noone.
The House to sp[unr]nt much time about the Officers for the Customs a List of Which
was brought in, and debated, in which the house passed Severall votes
Mercurius Elenticus is taken Prisoner, and was brought before the Councell
of state this afternoone, and he was examined and committed.
The Cheef Intelligence is,
Prince Charles his Answer to the Scots last desires, Prince Ruperts Declaration.
A Message from Leiv. Gen. David Lesley. Col. Poyer to be shot to death this Prefers
Wednesday in Covent Garden. The Proceedings of the house of Commons upon placing
now officers for the Customs. Good newes from Ireland. And she Pitition the Web
men of London and Parts adjacent, brought to the house of Commons in behalf of Lieut
Col. John Lilburn, [unr] others of their friends.

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