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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 12, 16th-23rd May 1649 E.530[15]

Impartiall Intelligencer:
A Perfect Collection of the Weekely Passages
in PARLIAMENT, And Proceedings of the Councell of
State ; with other choyce intelligence from the Lord Fairfax's Army;
From the princes Fleet, and the Parliaments Navy at Sea, from the
Armies in Ireland, and the most remarkable News from Forraign
Princes. Containing these chief Heads viz.
A Letter from the Parliament of England for a new Treaty, and a League with the
Scots. A bloudy fight in Scotland, 600. slain, and 800. taken prisoners. A new Rysing
in the Isle of Wygth, of the Levellers at Carisbrook-Castle, and the proceedings of the
people for reducing them. A Message sent to Prince Charles. The fight between she
Parliaments forces and the Levellers on Willingbrough wood, Thompson their Generall
slain, And all the rest taken prisoners. And other extraordinary News from severall
parts of England.
May. 22 1649. Imprimatur Theodore Jennings.
From Wednesday May 16. to Wednesday May 23. 1649.
London, Printed by J C. and arc to be sold neer Cripplegate, and at the
Royall Exchange in Cornhill, 1649.
Beginning Wednesday May 16.
ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parl. That a
Committee be named to take into consideration the
setling of the succession of future Parliaments, And
regulating their Elections, and to present Heads to
the House, to be the grounds of their debate touching
the same viz. Sir Henry Vane Senior, Commd:
Gen. Ireton, Dr. Palmer, Col. Rich, Col. Sidney, Major
Saloway, Mr. Gourdon, Mr. Scot, and all that come
to have voyces; And the special care hereof is committed
to Sir Henry Vane junior, and Dr. Palmer:
And the Committee are to meete on Fryday next
in the Exchequer Chamber, at 2 of the Clock in the Afternoon, and so on every
Munday and Fryday.
The House (upon Reports concerning coyning,) ordered that Sir Robert Harlow
be discharged of his place there; And that Dr. Gourdoune of London, be Master
of the Minte. And Instructions passed therein.
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