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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 14, 30th May-6th June 1649 E.530[30]

Impartiall Intellignecer:
A Perfect Collection of the Weekely Passages
in PARLIAMENT, And Proceedings of the Councell of
state; with other choyce intelligence from the Lord Fairfax's Army;
From the princes Fleet, and the Parliaments Navy at Sea, from the
Armies in Ireland,and the most remarkable News from Forraign
Princes. Containing these chief Heads viz.
Collonel Pophams Message from the Navy to the Parliament, delivered yesterday in
the House of Commons of the Blocking up of Prince Ruperts ships. 15 of the Princes
ships in king-sale. And above 200. Peace of Ordinance. 7 of the Revolted ships taken,
and divers prisoners, Prince Rupert himself hemed in. And 150. Irish Rebels taken.
Prince Charles his Message to the Scots. And the Answer of the parliament of Scotland.
And Letters to the Parliament, concerning the Rising of the Eevellers in the
June 5.1649 Imprimatur Theodore Iennings.
From Wednesday May 30. to Wednesday June 6. 1649.
London, Printed by J C. and are to be sold neer Cripplegate, and at the
Royall Exchange in Cornhill. 1649.
Beginning Wednesday May 30.
This day came a Letter from France, of which followes the Copy.
SIR, THe Duke of Eppernon was appointed (on behalf
of the King of France) to build a Fort to
check the City of Burdeux, whether he being advanced,
the Citizens set forth an Army of about 6000.The
Duke sent one of his followers to joyne with the Citizens,
upon a designe to act for hims there) be get to be
one of their Generalls Life Guard; and by that meanes.
taking his opertunity, he stabbed their Generall. There
was a great fight between the two Armies. And (As
is said) nigh 2000. slain. The Citizens have since plundered, and spoyled the Duke of
Epernons Sumptuons House at Cadiliaque. The People of Burdeux and here at Paris, and
other parts are much discontented,
Paris 23. May (alias2.June) 1648.
Lievtenant Generall Cromwell reports from the Committee of Complaints, the resalntion,
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