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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 14, 30th May-6th June 1649 E.530[30]

Intions of that Committee touching Sir Hugh Owen, (viz.) That it be reported to the
House, as the opinion of the Committee. That Sir Hugh Owen is a person comprised within
the Articles of Anglesey, and accordingly ought to be discharged of Delinquency and
Resolved upon the question by the Commons assembled in Parliament; That according
to the opinion of the said committee, the said Sir Hugh Owen be discharged from Sequestration,
and Delinquency for any thing before the Articles of Anglesey, Iund 14.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament; That the Committee for preparing
the Act touching the business of Articles, do meet at two of the clock this afternoon in the
Speakers Chamber: And report the Act to the house with all Speed.
I. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That the said Petition be referred
to the Committee of Anglesey, to heare the parties, and consider of the Whole matter and
to state the same, and present their opinions therein to the House, and also prepare an Act for
Setling the businesse of that County,and report it to the House.
2.Ordered, &c. That Col. Jones, Humphry Edwards, Esquire, Lieut. Gen. Cromwell,
Sir William Strickland, Mr. Thomas Chaloner, Col. Harrison, Quarter Master
Gen. Ireton, Sir Iohn Bowcher, Sir Iames Harrington, Mr Leechmere, Col. Thompson.
Mr. Pury, Col. Ludlow, be added to that Committee; and they are to meet this afternoon
at two of the clock, in the Exchequer Chamber, and so de die in diem.
MR. Miles Corbet Reports from the Committee for Stating the businesse concerning
Mr. Dicke, and Mr. Cunningham, the state of the businesse of the Lord Forbs, Mr.
Dicke, and Mr. Cunningham are intituled to have the benefit of the subscription of seven
Thousand pounds by them subscribed in pursuance of the Acts of Parliament, as the
rest of the subscribers, for the additionall forces by Sea, for redusing of Ireland
I. Resolved upon the question by the Commons assembled in Parl. That this house
doth agree with the Committee therein.
2. Resolved, &c. That it be referred to the Committee of the Navy, to consider and examine,
Low the State is satisfyed, that 7000 l. for which Capt. Dicke, and Capt. Cunningham
is to have the benefit of a subscription of so much other subscribers for the additionall forces
by Sea, for redusing Ireland are, And report the same to the house.
3. Resolved, &c. That so much of the said 7000 l. as shall appear to be unpaid, or not performed
by actuall service, by Cap. Dick, and Cap. Cunningham, shall be made good and Satisfyed
out of the monies due to Captain Dicke, and Cap. Cunningham from the Committee
of the Navy, so far as it will go: And that the said Committee do prepare and present [unr]
Act to this House for the setling of this businesse accordingly.
Die Mercurii 30, May 1649.
THe humble Petition of Alexander, Lord Forbes, was this day read, and likewise an
abstract of the Lord Forbes case was read.
1. Resolved upon the Question by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That it
be referred to the Committee to consider and examine what doth remain justly due to the Lord
Forbes, And that they take care in the Act (to be brought in) that provision be made for payment
of it in persuance of these Votes.
2. Resolved. &c. That the same Committee do examine the originall Contracts, with
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