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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 14, 30th May-6th June 1649 E.530[30]

An Act declaring the grounds of the next Thanksgiving was read, and upon the
question assented unto, and ordered to be forthwith Printed.
The house ordered that Sheriffes of the severall Counties should he required to
send sufficient quantities of the said Printed Acts in their respective Counties to
the end some speedy notice may be given thereof.
They likewise ordered that the Justices of the Peace of the Cities of London,Westminster,
and the late lines of Communication should be required, to send Printed
Copies of the said Act to the severall Parishes and Wards where they live.
A Report was made to the house by the members appointed to give the thanks of
the house to his Excellency for his great service in suppressing those called Levellers.
That his Exccellency did expresse great obligements he had to the house for this great
honour, and desired his humble thanks might be presented to them, And like wife that
the House would be pleased to own and approve of what Col. Pine had done in raysing
the forces of the County of Somerset, in order to that busines, upon his Excellencies
request in a Letter to him, which the house did accordingly, and further ordered
that a Letter of thanks be sent to the said Col. Pine and Sir Wroth for their good affections
Saturday June 2.
AN Act according to to former order was this day reported to the hous, for sale of
the goods belonging to the late King, Queen and Prince, for the use of the
Common-wealth, and was assented unto and past.
An Order was formerly made for sale of certaine Pictures belonging to the late
King Queene and Prince, but many incom eniences arising thereby, and for other
Reasons. the house voted this day that the said Pictures should not be sold till further
An Act was this day Read in the house with Instrnctions for the Trustees,for
sale of Deanes and Chapters Lands, concerning persons doubling upon the publique
faith, for purchasing of the aforesaid Li[unr]nds, which was likewise assented
The House then Voted that if upon returne of the Surveyes in shall appeare, that
the Deane Chapters Lands are not sufficient to satisfy the Money charged on
them, then the House doth Declare, That they will give further Security for
the surplusage of the said Debt upon some other publique Receipt of the Common-Wealth.
An Act was also Read requiring the Commissioners of the Great Seale, to istue
forth Warrants for the making of Master Warburton, Collonel Rigby, and Master Asks
Serjeants at Law, and to be returnable immediate, which was assented unto. The
former of an Oath to be rendred to, and taken by the said Serjeants, was Read and
assented unto.
The House then Ordered, that the Services performed by Master Serjeant Bradshaw
Lord President of the Councell of State, should be taken into consideration on Tuesday next.
The house ordered that it should be referred to the Councell of State, to bestow a
house upon Mrs. Alkeen a Widdow, and likewise to give her what they think fit for
maintenance of her self and children.
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