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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 16, 13th-20th June 1649 E.530[43]

Impartiall Intelligencer:
A Perfect Collection of the Weekly Passages
in PALIAMEMT, And Proceedings of the Councell of
State ; with other choyce intelligence from the Lord Fairfax's Army;
From the princes Fleet,and the Parliament Navy at Sea,from the
Armies in Ireland, and the most remarkable News from Forraign
Princes. Containing these chief Heads viz.
A new Rysing,and a bloudy fight in Paris, between the Citizens and the Parisians,
Letters from the Navy. Prince Charles his Speech when he sent away the Scots Commissioners,
And a Declaration of prince Charles to the Scots. The Severall Votes and
Orders that passed the Parl:yesterday concerning the Lord president, and Major Gen.
Skippon. A Declaration concerning Col. Eyres,and the Levellers. And Col. Eyres
Letter to Lieut. Gen. Cromwell: Letters from Scotland concerning Prince Charles
his Message. And good newes from Ireland.
June 19. 1649 Imprimatur Theodore Inuings.
From Wednsday June the Wednesday June 20.1649.
London, Printed by j C. and are to be sold neer Cripplegate, and at the
Royall Exchange in Cornhill, 1649
Beginning Wednesday June the 13.
THe house of Commons ordered the Act for the monies
formerly allowed Mrs. Rainsborough, and the
Act for Mrs. Black ston to be reported on the Thursday
next following.
An Act of the Commons of England in Parl. Assembled,
for the further Relief of maimed Souldiers,
and the Widdowes and Orphans
of Souldiers slain in the service of
the Parliament.
WHereas it is resolved that the 260 l. per week,
be added to make up the summe of 300 l. Per
week,formerly assigned the summe of 260 l. per week,'for all occasions. It is enacted,
ordered and declared, by this present Parliament,and by Authority thereof,
That 130 l.per week, weekly be paid out of the Treasury at Goldsmiths-hall,
towards the said summe of 560 l.per week, for the further Relief of poor maimed
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