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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 6, 11th-18th April 1649 E.550[18]

The Impartiall Intelligencer,
A Perfect Collection
The Weekly Passages in parliament; The
Proceedings of the Councell of State, and the
High Court of Justiece; with other Choice Intelligence From
the Lord Fairfax's Army, form the Navy at Sea, and the
most Remarkable Newes from Farraigne parts.
Aprill. 10 1649.
Imprimatur Theodore Iennings.
From Wednesday April Wednesday Aprill 18. 1649.
London, Printed by 7 c. and are to be sold neer Cripplegate, and at
the Royall Exchange in Cornhill, 1649.
Beginning Wednesday April 11.
BY letters from France it was certified, that the peace is
agreed between the King and parliaments there: And
the King hath published a Declaration.
The Declaration of the most Christian King, Lewis the
PIV. Of France and navarre.
To all his loving Subjects, concerning the Cessation
of the late Troubles, and restoring them to their former peace
and tranquility.
LEwis, By the Grace of God, King of France and Navarre; To all present,
and to come, greeting: Experience doth clearly manifest, that the
Kingdom of France is both invincible and dreadfull to its Enemies, so long as
it doth remain united within it self: And we may truly say, that this compleat
barmony bath been the main cause whereby it is come to that height, as
We do see it at present, by many Conqueste made upon Germany and Spain;
which doth cause us to look narrowly for the prevention of any thing which may
alter the same, seeing it is of necessary to maintain our own against our Enemies
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