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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 6, 11th-18th April 1649 E.550[18]

which are so strong and numerous, that the yeares of our Reigne may be
well reckoned by the many Victories that we have obtained upon them: Therefore
fearing that the Division which bath lately sprung up, should come to
some bead, and so to cause a Civil Warre, where by we might be bindered
from opposing our Enemies, and so disable us from obtaining the peace so long
wished for, which is the greatest reward, and as a Crown by us aimed at in all
our labours; and do wish it so passionately, that for the obtaining there of, no
meanes have been left unattempted, so farre as is was consistent with our
Royall Dignity, being urgent even with the Spanish pary, to name a place
upon our Frontier where Commissioners of both Kingdoms might be sent with
a full power to Treat: And being now resolved to name one of our Officers of
the Parl. Of Paris to be a Commissioner for that Treaty.
We have therefore thought fit to use all meanes that can be expected from
the goodnesse and wisdom of a Prince, for stopping the current of so great an evil,
even in its very birth, that so our Subjects may in peace and quietnesse
enjoy those many favours and benefits they have received from our Grace and
goodnesse, as it is at large exressed in the Declarations by us made in October
last; as also those before made in May and July before, which, We will
have to be executed in every point and clause thereof, according to the true
meaning, save only for the Loanes which we shall be forced to make for the
present necessities of the State, as it will be specified hereafter.
Wednesday, April 4.
THe House of Commons this day made further Progresse in the
Act for sale of Deans and Chapters Lands, in watch severall previses
were read, and some debated and Pasted.
The house passed a proviso for reservation of the allowance formerly
given by the parliament, for the Ministers maintenance of Winchester,
with some others.
And for the satisfaction of godly and wel-disposed Ministers, and
coutinuance of the which is for charitable uses, It is thought fit to have
a proviso added to this Act,thus,viz.
Provided alwayes, that in case any Land should be sold by vertue of
this Act, upon which is any charge by particular Ordinance or Act of
Parlament, for maintaining of a preaching Minister; Or where there is a
right to any Rents or profits to be received by any person, Schoole, or
Almes-honse; or for any charitable uses, that hath by particuler Ordinance,
or Act by this parliament therein conferred any Rents or profit that
be taken by any person continued therein; out of the Impropriations
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