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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 23, 25th July-1st August 1649 E.566[20]

offered but not read. Some in London kept a fast this day (upon the old Accompt)
It being the last Wednesday in the month.
It Is said that when some pressed Prince Charles (lately) to harken to his
friends in England, where he had store, that joyne with the Scots, that he
answered, he valued them not so, for they professed as much to his Father,
but would sell him for 12d. In an Alehouse.
The house ordered to hear no private businesses for 8 dayes.
An Act was brought in, and after debate committed, for encouragement
of Gentlemen engaged about new Plantations in the West Indias,Isles
discovered by Captain Smith, for giving a propriety to certain persons interressed,
for Rules and Dissipline, &rc. subordinate to England.
A Petition was read from divers Doctors of the civill-Law; The house
referred it to the Committee for probate of wills,&c.
The house this day passed the list of the Officers for the ont-ports, only
those re-committed are left with blanks, to be filled according to the Votes
It is said that the 7. India ships come into the Downes are worth nigh
100000 l.Mr. Robert Tompson was this day added to the Commissioners of
the Navy.
An Act was brought in,for the Commissioners of the Customes to receive
upon account the monies due for Customes and Subsedies. And read
the first and second time, and referred to the Committee of the Navy. And
ordered to be ready to be reported on the morrow.
Monday next 30. of this present month of July, at three of the Clock in
the Afternoon, is to be seen publique exercises, especially the juego de Cannas,
Which is a Spanish Ancient Briezillian Course, performed at the Academic
erected by Sir Balthazar Gerbier at Bednell Greene. God permitting
and the weather being faire.
Die Mercarij,25. July,1649.
Besolved upon the question by the Commons in Parliament assembled.
That the Tenants of sequestred Estates, who are to retain their
Relics in their hands, till the first of August next, shall continue their Rents for
such Estates in their hands till the first of September. except the Part. Shall other
wise order.
2.Resolved,&c. That it be referred to the Committee of Goldsmiths Hall
to consider how and by what meanes the Rents so stayed in the hands of the said
Tynants may be gotten in for the best advantage of the State, and report it to the
Hen.Scobel,Clerle. Parliament
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