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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 23, 25th July-1st August 1649 E.566[20]

Thursday July 26.
BY Letters from France it is certified that July (28 alias)18. The Cardinall
Mazarine was preparing to return to the Court. The E. of pennearanda
Plenepotentiary of Spuine, having done nothing to the conclusion of
peace; He was to be at Court.2, daies after. His eminency hath paid the
souldiers, & much satisfied them at present. The provost of Merchants, and
Aldermen of the City of Paris, went to the Court where they presented to
the King and Queen Regent in Speeches there dislike of the rude peoples
rescuing the late prisoner going to execution; And to entrance their Majesties
to give the City the happines of their presence, which was promised
them to be with what convenient speed might be: An Vsher is sent from
His Maj. Councell into Burdeux, to signefic the Interdiction given against
the Part. Of that City; The D. of Elpernon with some troops is appointed
to conduct him,It is not yet known whether P. Charles will go to Rochell,
or to Brittany towards Jersey, but generally beleived he will shortly slip away
A Letter from Yarmouth Road in the North of England.
Right honorable,
CAp. Peacock set fail to sea July 18. and 20,at 4 in the morning discovered
a saile, which he gave chase to, and in a very short space fetched her
up, and took her a small Ketch with 13, men I. murderer,6. Old muskets.
60, rusty swords bound to P. Rupert by his warrant as they say from P.
Charles whom they all Charles the second, which Warrant with the Capt.
John Hickman, and the Mr. John Shiply, both them and the rest of the Company
are brought into Yarmouth,and also the vessell. And hearing of 16.
sail of men of war being at sea, we intend God willing to set saile this night.
From Aboard the. Tyger in Yarmoth roade
21 July 1649. at 8. at night
It is said Sr The Glembam, and Sir Mar. Langdale have Instructions from
P.Charls and his Councell, to joyn with the E. of Derby,to surprize M.G.
Ireton, (or such forces as he shall send to the Isle of Man) by a strratagem if
they can under pretence of surrendring it. Proclamations were made from
the Lord G. against souldiers medling in Arrests,or Officers taking in cashierd
The house of Commons passed Instructions for a Committee, to whom
the Articles concerning Religion (formerly ordered by the house to be appointed)
were this day referred, to consider how the said Articles may be
published in all Churches for the stopping of Blasphemies and Heresies,&c.
This took up much time.
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