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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 23, 25th July-1st August 1649 E.566[20]

Then the House debated concerning the Accompts of the Common-wealth
upon the Assetments; the particulars of each Country was reported and how
much in Arrear, and how many thousand pounds the City is in Arrear, some
Instructions passed therein. The L.L. Of Ireland is yet at Bristol; mony is sent
him, and under sale: His Lordship will some 7.dayes hence meet it at the
water side: And about a week after lanch for Ireland; There will be a stately
Fleet from Milford Haven Col. Iones hangs out his flag of defiance against
The house of Commmons orderred that the Sesments of 900001.per
mensens, for the Army,should be continued for 3. monthe longer.
This day was published, An Act of the Commons in Parliament assembled
for sale of the Honours,Mannors,and Lands hereofore belonging to
she late King; Queen, and Prince, for pay of the Souldiery.
Also for 600001. charged on the Excise to be charged on the security of
the said Act with Trustees named, and power to keep Courts of Survey:
And Sheriffs, Mayors&c. to assist Surveyors in executing thereof. Trustees
authorized to administer an Oath to the Surveyors, and to call them to account,
and appoint Councel,and Stuards,made by Parliament not to be put out.
Satisfaction to be allowed to those who have Title or Interest in any
Chase or Park, but it not to extend to Rents due to the Common-wealth,
if not reserved in the Crown.
Col Webb made Surveyor Gen. Instructions for his place, Mr. Henry Colbron
to be Register and 2d. In the sheete allowed to the Register: And the
Contractors appointed, Tenants to subscribe to their Contracts within 30.
dayes. Lands to be fold for 13. years purchase, a Lease for one life 6 years
and a half. And and Oath,for the Contractors are not to purchase.
All bodies politique, or corporate inabled to purchase. Purchasers erected
to have allowance for their monies. Purchasers to have Acts of Parl. Or letters
Pattents. And to have the like benefit the King, Queen,or Prince had.
Treasures appointed, and Instructions for them, And Mr Henry Robinson
to be Controler.
Certificates of Arrears to be transimitted to the Trustees: And they to
appoint a Register of Debentures. Free quarter to be deducted out of Arrears
Debentures to be in the nature of bonds or bills. Trustees to call in Debenturs
heretofore given for Arrears,and to give new Debentures or Bills. And Controler
to keepe a Cheque upon debts Registred.
Debentures effactuall to charge the Common-wealth with payment, and
to be assigned over to any person; and to be a sufficient Warrant for the
Treasurers upon payment.
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