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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 25, 30th August-5th September 1649 E.572[24]

Impartiall Intelligencer:
A Perfect Collection of the Weekly Passages
in PARLIMENT, And Proccedings of the Councell
of State; with other choyce Intelligence from the Lord Fairfax's Army;
from the Princes Fleet, and the Parliament Navy at sea, from
the Armies in Ireland, and remarkeblest Newes from
Forraign Princes. Containing these chief Heads. viz.
A desperate and bloody fight neare Bristoll, between a squandron of ships
commanded by the Lord Cottington, Hide, and others, and a party of the
Parliament ships. The parliament of the fight. A List of the ships sunk and
taken, with the Lord Cottington, and divers other prisoners of note. The resolution
of Montrosse to invade the Kingdome of Scotland with 6000. old
Germans, and the conjuction of the Hylanders for Charles the second. New
proposals sent by the Marg. of Ormond to the declared King of Scots. A
great fight in Ireland, the number stain, and the particulars there of. A Declaration
of the Bord Moore, Governor of Drogheda, And Lord Governours
Letter to the councell of State. With a Proclamation of the House of Commons
to be published throughbout the Citie of London.
From Thursday August 30. to Wednesday September the 5. 1649.
London, Printed by I.C. and are to be sold near Cripplegate, and at the
Royall Exchange in Cornhil, 1649.
Beginning Thursday August the 30. 1649.
HAppy Newes for Scotland! Goad hopes of a speedy
Conjunction when their Loyall friends (the Royalists)
harbonr such trechery in their bosoms to discover
the secrets of their privat councels as may appear by the
suttle conspiracy of some trusty Agent, residing in
those quorters which with much diligence have discovered their Privacy
by sending Coppies of their last Intentions to there Declared King,
which is verified by Letters from France that certifies as followeth viz.
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