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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 25, 30th August-5th September 1649 E.572[24]

There were when the Letters came away about 8000 horse and loot
about Dublin, but not of Ormonds, but of the Lord Lieut. And Dublin
forces Ormond being no nearer then Droghedah.
Much time was spent this day for passing the Act for relies of poore
prisoners for debt, with rules what estate they can sware not to be
worth; but the creditor is to have the benefit of proving the contrary if
he can, codcerning those that are to have benefit herein. The Act Was
ordered to be ingrested.
Letters from Yarmonth say, that there (is gret hopes of a composure between
the Presbyterians and the godly party that are for gathering of
Churches. The differences between them hath been drawn up and disputed.
And the Ministers have appointed a publick meeting, Septemb. 6.
next eofuing. But in the mean time there are to be severall meetings to
seek God by Prayer, for a blessing upon the means used for reconsiliation
to Gods glory, and the Peace of the Church.
Fryday. August 31
THe House(this day) tooke into consideration the Cases of Sir Kellxns
Digby, Montagen &c.
Vpon full debate of the busines, Resolved to banish them, and finding
Sir. Iohn Winters time elapsed for his banishment, that he had run into
contempt the house ordered thereupon that the said Sir Iobn Winter
should be forth with secured, and brought to Tryall.
The house then ordered that the said Sir Kenelm Digby should be enjoynd
to depart this Common. Wealth within 20 daies after that day, &
not to return into any the Dominions of England (without leave of the
house) under pain of death and conflication of Estate.
Mr. Mountague shall depart this Nation, wihtin ten daies after the
date of the said Order: and that he return not into any part of this Nation,
or the Dominiones their of on paine of death and confiscating of Estate.
And to prevent the like incouveniencey of danger for the futer, by the
comming of such dangrous Roman Catholiques into this Nation, as the
Mr. Mountague. The said House ordered, That the Commission formerly
granted by the King, and his Privy Councell for apprehending
of convicted Recusants, to de Luke Mayo and other should be wow
renewed to the same persons Mutatis Mutendis.
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