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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 25, 30th August-5th September 1649 E.572[24]

From St. Iermans came thus, The 28 instant, his Royall hignesse came
hither to visite their Majesties of great Brittaine and returned the day
This day the Councell of State had the Out cry of the Apprentices, into
debate (being a very dangerous Treatise) and put it into a way of Examination.
Munday Sept.3.
From Newcastle thus, Sir, onr newes ont of Scotland is that the Committee
of estates are at sti Joknstouns fearing some insnrrection of the Hylanders,
they bans information, that Moutrosse resolves, and is like to prove
an ill instrument to this Nation, by attempting an invasion there o with 6000
old Germans, which with a conjuction of the Hylanders and the disaffected
party may prove of ladconsequence unto them.
OVr expectation from Ireland bath been very great this last week, because
the Royall party bach been to confident to a great defeas give to Collonell
lones, his Brigade with a conjunction of some of the Lord Leint who give
one the story whus.
That drawing up into a body to fight Ormond, he in pollicy retreated to
a Bog, Withint any damage, and our forces apprehending be fled before them,
went on greedily without order, which Ormond teking advantage of dissipated
our body, and cut of fims thousands.
Some that came Lately from Dublin, say no such thing, and therefore wee
we look on it as one of their old Bug-bares thinking to fright us there with,
and there with to encourage the drooping hearts, and dead spirits of their own
deluded party.
Letters from Dublin say, that there hath been a hot dispute betweene
a party under L.G. Iones and Col. Reynolds, and some of Ormonds forces
near Drogheda, Wherein (with the losse of 30. men) were many killed
and taken.
A list of those killed, and taken at the last engagement nere Droghede.
Killed Wounded and taken, Capt. Oneale
2 Captains of horse, Maj. Butler 3. Cornets
1. Leiut. Major Gerrard 8. Troopers.
11 Cornets &. Corp. Capt. Dillox. 200. horse, pistols and Arms.
200 Troopers Capt. Francklin
Letters from Chester de exptesse that on Tuesday last the Lord Leiut.
took the field, and as its beleeved marched with Maj. Gen. Ireton towards
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