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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 294, 9th-16th January 1649 E.538[17]

That the High Court of Justice mentioned in the said Act Shall be
holder in the painted Chamber in the Palace of Westminster, on
Wednesday the tenth day of this instant January by one of the clock
in the afternoon. and this we appoint to be notified by publick proclaiming
hereof in the great Hall at Westminster tomorrow being
the tenth day of this instant. January, betwixt the houres of nine and
eleven in the forenoone, In testimony whereof wee have hereunto
set our hand and seales.
This being proclaymed. It was ordered by the Commons, That
the same Proclamation that was this morning published in Westminster
Hall concerning the Triall of the king, be published also at
the old Exchange and in Cheapside, And that Serjeant Denby the
Sarjeant at Armes doe proclaime the same accordingly, And that
the Guard that lyeth in Pauls doe see the same done.
This day the House of Lords sate , and passed divers Ordinances,
formerly sent up by the House of Commons; They also sent five
Messages to the House of Commons, To all which the Commons
voted to returne Answer by Messengers of their own.
The settlement of the Kingdome was again taken into consideration,
and the Commons had a long Debate concerning the issuing
out of Writts, and in what Name they should proceed And it was
voted, that they should come forth no more in the Name of one
Man as heretofore they did in the Name of Charles King of England
&c. But it was agreed upon that a new great Seale should bee
forthwith brought in, and on one side thereof a Modell of England
and Ireland, with the Islands thereunto belonging should be represented,
And that there should be a Crosse for the Arms of England,
and a Harp for the Armes of Ireland, with this Motto about it. In
the first year of the Freedome by Gods blessing restored. 1648.
In the mean time the House of Commons voted. That there
should be no stoppe of the Execution of Justice in any Court, and
that they will not null anything that in the mean time shall be passed
by the great Seale present, which they are resolved to confirme,
untill the said New Seale shall be brought in, and be of power. Master
Blackston is ordered to repaire to the Committee of the Revenues
for moneys to pay for the making of the said Seale.
Intelligence was received the last weeks that Sir Charles Coote
had done good service in Connaught, and withall taken Sir Robert
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