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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 301, 27th February-6th March 1649 E.546[7]

and honestly discharged their Quarters: that all disbanding be
referred to the said Committee, and that such of the Army as have
served the King, may be first disbanded.
5. That you will open the Presse, whereby all treacherous and
tyrannicall designs may be the easir discovered, and so prevented,
which is a liberty of greatest concernment to the Common Wealth
and which such only as intend a tyranny are ingaged to prohibit;
The months of adversaries being stopped, by the sensible good
which the people receive from the actions of such as are in au
6. What you will (whilst you have opportunity) abate the charge
the Law, and reduce the Stipend of Judges, and also other Magistrates
and Officers in the Common-Wealth,to a lesse, but comperent
allowance, converting the over-plus to the publicke Treasury
whereby the taxes of people may be eased.
7. But above all that you will dissolve this present Councell of
State which upon the grounds fore mentioned so much threatneth
tyranny; and mannage your affaires by Committees of short continuance
and such as may be frequently and exactly accountable
for the discharge of their Trust.
8. That they will publish a strict prohibition and serve penalties upon
all such, whither Committees,Magistrates or Officers of what kind
soever, as shall exceed the limits of their Commission, Rules or directions,
and incourage all men in their informations and complaints against
9. That you will speedily satisfie the expectations of the Souldiers in
point of Arrears, and of the people in point of Accounts, in such a manner
as that it may not as formerly; prove a snare to such as have bin most
faithfull; and a protection to the most corrupt, in the discharge of their
trust and duties.
10.[unr] the great burden of Tithes may be forthwith taken away.
[unr] Councell of State does it daily for the ordering the weighty affaires
of the Kingdome, The Testimony which they signed at their sitting
is as followeth.
col being of the Councell of State doe tostifie that I doe adhere unto this
present Parliament and in the maintenance and defence of the publicke liberty
and freedome of this Nation as it is now declared and to the Government
for future in a way of Republike, without King or House of
Peers and I doe promise in the fight of God; that through his Grace, I
will be faithfull in performance of the most committed to [unr] afore.
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