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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 304, 20th-27th March 1649 E.548[19]

no Arrest is to be made on the Sabbath day, or any day of Thanks-giving
or of Humilitation upon penalty in such Cases provided.
There is also another Act to be annexed to this concerning a most
severe Course to be taken with those who being of ability shall goe
about to defraud their Creditors.
There is also another remarkable Act drawn up but not yet debat
d concerning the easing of all Tenants, and such indeed is the
greatest part of this Kingdome, who have their Tenures by Copy-hold;
And whereas by the Customes of severall Lordships they doe
pay one or more Herriot, or Herriots, and a Fine or Fines upon
every death of the. Tenant or the like change. And the Land-Lords
doe many times increase the Rents of such Copy-holders as they
see cause, to the great discouragement of Husbandry, in regard
that men dare not keep Horses nor Oxen sufficiently able to till the
ground, lest by the death of the Tenant the best of such Cattell may
become due to the Landlords for Herriots, and men dare not improve
such Copy-hold land left thereby the Land-lord takes occasion
to improve his Rent; It is therefore desired, that all Tenants
who hold any lands by Copy of Court-Roll of any Castle, Honor,
or Mannor, lately belonging to the King, Queen, Prince of Wales
and Duke of York, upon any such base and uncertaine Rents and
Conditions shall be free from them, and shall now hold the said
Rents and Tenements to them and their Heires for ever in common
and free Soccage, and no other wayes, paying the old Rent, or
such other sitting Rents as by the Commissioners hereafter named
shall be agreed upon : This Act also ( if I am not much mistaken )
is of a greater latitude, then to reach onely to the Children of the
late King as I conceive, it will shortly if approved, appeare more
fully unto you. This day the Councell of State sate concerning an
Answer to the Scots Papers of which more hereafter.
Wednesday March 22.
INstructions were this day passed for the Supply of Newcastle
with Ammunition. A Report was made concerning divers
Sayle of Ships which are comming up the River laden with Coales
and entring into the Poole by three or foure one after another,
they were ingrossed by some Citizens at great rates, to the great
prejudice and ruine of many poore Families. This was referred to
the Councell of State to provide a Remedy therein; It was under
consideration how fifteen hundred pounds may be raised to receive
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