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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 303, 13th-20th March 1649 E.548[5]

Numb. 303.
Weekly Intelligencer,
To prevent mis-information.
From Tuesday, March 13. to Tuesday, March the 20. 1648.
Tuesday March 13.
THe sending of Supplyes to Ireland took up the greatest part
of this weeks consultation in the House of commons, and in
the Councell of State, In the mean time a Letter from Holland relates
the present condition of the Prince of Wales, whom before
I have ended this Intelligence, you shall find to bee banished from
England by the Parliament thereof, and his Estate to be confiscated
for the use of the publick. In the first place I will give you the
Letter in these following words.
SIR, The Prince of Wales now generally called the King, is still
at the Hague, his company drawn to him from all parts to that
place, and their confluence makes then confident; the Episcopall Doctors
in all their Sermons inflame their bearers to revenge the late Kings
death. They like the Scots Proclamation of King but not the conditions:
for to take the Covenant is to grant the cause: Doctor Searon
a Scotchman by birth, preached lately at the Hague and was so kind
to his Country-men, as to make them worse than the Jewes in selling the
King; he told them how many Kings the Scots had killed, he said, the
Presbyterians did put up the Kings hair, and the independents did cut off
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