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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 303, 13th-20th March 1649 E.548[5]

to the Councell of State, and to proceed [unr] they shall thinke fit.
The House of Commons considering how well the Prince Elector
hath all along carried himselfe towards them, notwithstanding the
malignancy and mischiefs to this nation done by his brethren. And
that now His Highness is to returne into his own Countrey passed
these ensuing Orders viz.
ORdered by the Co[unr] assembled is Parliament that the Earle
of Denbizh Sir Henry Mildmay Mr. Heveningham, Sir Gregory
Norton, Mr. Feildor Mr. Irencherd, and Mr. Chaloner, together with
the Master of the Ceremonies doe attend the Prince Elector to
That the committee of the Revenue doe take care of provision, of
Bargis for that service, and for payment of the charges of the said Barges.
That Mr. Speaker with some other Members of this house do waite
on His Highnesse the Prince Elector by the command of this house to
take leave of him.
That the Members doe meet at Mr. Speakers house to morrow at
nine of the clocke for the purpose aforesaid.
Hen Scobell. Cleric. Parliamenti.
This day were brought to White-Hall from Windsor these foure
persons to be tried viz. Major Generall Langhorne, Collonel Powel
Collonel Poyer, and Major Phillips, and are committed prisoners
to the custody of the Marshall Generall, to be safe kept untill their
tryall &c. Collonel Poyer is very poore, and had a little used some
practise of his glovers trade while hee was prisoner at Windsor,
he did ride to London without boots, in a paire of course gray
cloath stockins and shoos, with a paire of spurs upon his shoos, they
are all of them very reserved in their speeches.
Serjeant Bradshaw is made constant President; at Derby House, The
Councell of State fate this day about hastning of the Navy to Sea.
The House of Commons this day ordered that no private businesse
shall be heard during the space of 14 dayes, the businesse of the publick,
being so great and so much.
The House had some Debates about the Children of the late King,
that are here with Parliament but nothing was done at present.
This day the Reports were made to the House from the Committee
concerning the grand Delinquents, in which the House passed severall
Votes (viz.)
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