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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 303, 13th-20th March 1649 E.548[5]

1. Concerning persons now in custody, That David Jenkins, and Sir
John Stowell, shall be tryed for their lives at the upper Bench,(lately called
the Kings Bench,) Bar (Master Canton the Minister is also to be tryed
there, by the former Order; And Laughorne, Poyer, Powell, and Phillips
are to be tried by a Court Marshall.) Collonel Molsworth also is to be
tried by a Court Marshall.
2. Concerning other persons that are in custody, the House voted that
the Marquesse of Winchester, and Mathew Wren Bishop of Ely, shall
for the present continue in prison as now.
3. The House upon consideration of the great Delinquents, had
debates about these eleven person following, but nothing done therein.
Prince Rupert.
Prince Maurice.
James Earle of Derby.
Francis Lord Cottington.
Sir Robert Heath.
Henry Iermyn.
Sir Ralph Hopton.
Mr. Edward Hide.
Sir John Morley.
Sir A: Dalleson.
Coll. Edward Gray.
4. These fifteen persons following shall be banished, and their
Estates confiscate to the use of the publique, from which they are to have
no pardon(viz.)
Charles Stuart Eldest Son to
the late King of England.
James Duke of York, Second.
Son to the late King.
The Duke of Buckingham.
John Earle of Bristoll.
Will. Earle of Newcastle.
George Lord Digby.
Sir Will. Witherington.
Sir John Byron.
Sir Francis Doddington.
Sir Marma: Langdale.
Sir Richard Greenevell.
Sir John Culpeper.
Edward E. of Worcester.
Sir Philip Musgrave.
5. Severall other Votes passed in relation hereunto, (viz.) That all,
except those, that have had any hand in the ayding, or assisting in the Rebellion
of Ireland, shall have time to come into compound, Sir John Winter
to have time to goe beyond Sea. All those excepted being taken to dy
without mercy.
6. The House passed rules for Delinquents to this effect. That
the time for the coming in of all Delinquents within 80. miles of
London shall be to file their Petitions before the first day of Aprill
next: All the rest within the time of six weeks. All other Delinquents,
Members of this Common-wealth, not comprehended in
the former limitation, shall be admitted to composition six weeks
after the time of the fileing their Petitions, paying one moytie of
the said Compositions then made, and giving security for the other;
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