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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 303, 13th-20th March 1649 E.548[5]

the first of June, for those that are to come in that are beyond sea
and the same time as the other for their perfecting of their Compositions.
7. That all those that come not in, within the time prefixed, their
estates shall be confiscated, and sold for use of the State.
8. All the rest of those that are sequestred, their rents shall be
continued in the Tenants hands till Midsummer next.
Thursday March, 15.
THe Councell of State fate this day upon the busines of Ireland,
Live. Gen. Cromwell is by them in nomination to be Generall
for Ireland.
And in order to this also at a generall Councell of the Army at
Whitehall it was resolved upon, That the busines of Ireland cannot
well bee taken into consideration before the Commander in
chief be nominated, and other encouragements propounded, which
are under debate by the Councell of State, and to be reported to
the House.
At this Generall Councell Report was made from the Court
Martiall by the Judge Advocate concerning the miscarriages of
M. Tompson in Essex, and of his putting a man out of possession
by a company of disguised persons, with false haire and beards, that
he was turned over to the civill Magistrate, and that Lievtenant
Collonel L. and one Harris offered to be his baile.
This day Col: Okey Col: Pride, M. Peters and some others were
appointed to prepare the charge against Major Generall Langhern,
Coll:Powell, Coll:Poyer, Major Phillips, Cap: Philip Bowen and David
Poyer, and to send for papers and persons in order thereunto,
and to expedite the whole.
A Letter for allowance of Chirurgeons of horse read and ordered
to be sent to the Parliament in the name of the Councell.
The triall of Coll: Moldsworth is put off untill Munday next.
By Letters from Lancaster it is certified as followeth.
COncerning the triall of Major Ieremiah Munday, the
Councell of war, according to His Exce llencies Commission,
hath met at Lancaster, and been foure dayes at the said
Triall. Major Munday a notorious Irish Rebel, who hath also been
a very active man in the first and second war in England against the
Parliament was for these and other high misdemeanors mentioned in
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